Day #3 - River Rafting - Blessings from Kali River

The blessings of Kali River and the breadth taking river rafting experience is truly a memorable one. The guide Bimal is from Nepal. The first few minutes of us to get down in the deep water and float with the Life jacket was amazing.

The amount of risk they endure in their job vs corporate life in Bangalore, I see the man as a real hero. Far away from home for his home, for his people, Working passionately on the job.

A bit of humor, extremely cautious, supportive reveals traits of a great human being in a person.

This made me feel light of myself from the thoughts/events that we witness around us.

Life is far less complicated when we leave things that hold us materialistically, emotionally. Spending emotions/thoughts are also like an expense. Life is also time bound. To look back each day and feel today is better than yesterday matters.

I carry with myself the spirit and blessings from Maa Kali River!!!

Keep Going!!!


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