
My perspective of Life

Astrology - No star can make your life shife unless you make an effort to make your life meaningful

Breakup - Maturity means your memories don't stop you going forward as you accept past as a blessing, kindness, and lesson

Hope - I know I’m not perfect but that does not stop me correcting myself to be the best version of myself

Coding - Coding every day makes you a better programmer

Purpose - Get Back to the best version of self-aware self

Creativity - Constant thinking to find small improvements

Career - Don’t believe a career is based on what you do currently. Always be agile and willing to learn new things in your field of interest

Education - Keep education always a priority. Have the habit of learning, experimenting always

Purpose - "When its time to die there is a pleasure when you have utilized your life, learned as much as possible, enjoy this one lifetime" - Isaac Asimov

Keep Going!!!

The Emotional Life - Keep Learning

When it's difficult to meet the expectations of your closed ones, understand the reality aspects of people you trust. It's often frustrating that both practical and emotional aspects need a balance. Never make any decisions without considering the practical aspects of Life. It's better to think and take decisions than hurrying. Maintaining and staying in limits so that we don't cross boundaries.

Maintaining a fine line between personal and professional things at work is also important. Often when you are emotionally disturbed it affects your professional life as well. In this life, we need a different level of understanding to be true to our beliefs, expectations.

Life is not as easy as it looks. Growth in career, personal life requires a lot of consistent focus and perseverance. Money is not a measure of happiness. Beyond money, the awareness, familiarity, knowledge, and kindness are the key things to look up to retrospect life.

Keep Going!!!

2019 Retrospection

  • Professionally - It was good learning exploring Pi, OpenVino, and learning building a few key projects. Year where my ideas went to the next level to NRF
  • Personally - I screwed up my life yet again. Never I am able to bring consensus with my closed ones. I did actually hurt a lot of people in this process. Emotionally this year is also a bomber. No more marriage plans. 
  • Teaching / Blogging - These two aspects are the best part of this year. I was able to teach more / explore, My answer stats across different channels is up to 1.5 million-plus
  • Patents - After a long fight this year gave a good push for patents, Also, improved my data science blog rating to 54, the best as of now
  • Driving - Another milestone 35K almost. Driving / Learning/ Coding / Blogging are the key things that kept me alive this year.

Looking forward to more Driving / Learning/ Coding / Blogging.

Expectations vs Reality

Often it's easy to talk, hard to follow. Many times in conversations when everything looks fine but in reality, you find a lot of difference in the perspective to get things going. Life is not just working with like-minded people but how much we can accommodate the limits of accepting/adjusting for a common goal.
Sometimes it's better to stop the journey when we spot the differences are huge. The more difficult people we meet the tougher it becomes to spot the right people. Always draw a line to ensure everything happens within the limits. Even when we part ways, part with mutual respect. Of course, We are not taught to handle Emotional Failures in Life.

Keep Going!!!


The beauty of Life is finding the insights of science, educating for empowerment, understanding kindness and make the world a better place. This decade 2010-2020 has made me

  • Question and Understand than being judgemental
  • Be Empathetic
  • Share what you Learn, Teach
  • Practice Compassion
  • Focus on becoming a better version of self
To Summarize, To make the self better we need to be
  • Anti-War
  • Pro-Education
  • Religion - Compassion and Kindness
  • Promote Sustainable and Renewable Energy
  • Social AI
  • Affordable Medication
  • Innovate
Keep Going!!!

Data Driven Decisions

For everything, we need to be data-driven, to decide on the performance of governments, policies etc. Every policy should have a goal, methodology, and measure over a period of time. Even the Governments need to be measured by performance, not on promises.
  • Education - policy - What it takes to make it employable - measure 
  • Innovation - policy - What it takes to promote innovation - measure 
  • Industries policy - Sustainable and Renewable energy-based  
  • Methods to prevent corruption - Digital Transactions at every level - Multi-party execution - Promote Morality and Empathy
Happy Learning!!!

Next Decade Goals (2020 - 2030)

  • Youtube Series on 3-minute podcast on Machine Learning, NOSQL, Databases
  • Teach / Reach for free for up-to 10 Million People
  • Promote Innovative ways to Learn
  • Do more of DIY projects
  • Promote Self Education, Independent thinking, Empathy, and Kindness

Happy Learning!!!

Academic pressure Vs Suicides

There is no correlation between academic pressure and life success. Life is a balance of many things, not just academic success. It's bad to see people justify suicides to academic pressure. When you teach education as a pressure cooker with time-bound expectations nothing will be creative, experimental learning. Merely remembering facts and applying formulas is not the purpose of education. Sad state of the perspective of education!!!

Education - Revisited

There are three types of education needed to Survive in India
  • Theoretical Fact-based education / MCQ Systems - Since, you have a lot of competition and this is the methodology to evaluate and you need to follow it no matter what
  • Concepts / Thinking based - To Explore any domain it needs constant thinking, experimentation. This aspect is needed in terms of doing 'Why it works this way'
  • Self Education - Both 1 & 2 are for survival. This self-education is the liberation of the soul. Finding the truth from the noise. Identify and question with a scientific mindset.
It is a pity we don't foster thinking, experimentation, and creativity but rather a rat race to pick best out of thousands. To fix the problem you need to go on top of the problem else you will not have an impact and influence to fix the problem.

India's strength is its population and since education is not standardized, it becomes an inherent weakness. India can be a gateway to innovation if we can educate or provide the confidence to every kid in India to believe they can make a difference. Civilization progressed because there were few people who questioned why does this work like this. Real education is about humanity, respect, kindness. When you are truly educated you will not see differences in lines of race/religion/caste. Education is to bring humanity within ourselves and more kindness to your fellow human beings.

  • Raise your Learning Bar
  • Learn and Share
  • Teach others / Blog be a positive influencer
  • Let everyone understand their inner self than following social media
  • Always stay kind forever
Keep Going!!!

Financial Problems vs Life

This suicide haunted me today link1, link2
33-year-old Bharat committed Suicided. After this incident, his Wife and Daughter also committed suicide
Few things to observe
  • A young couple (30's)
  • Having Kid
  • Financial troubles 
Financial problems are just one word to close the issue. Today's job market is very dynamic. We are prone to spend more and save less in the consumer-centric world. With loads and loads of population, cheap labor, poor quality of education there is competition in every sector.

The root cause of all this is the poor system of education. Education is expensive, In the end, this education system just makes you remember facts. This is another debate (Usefulness of this education system). We do not innovate, this education system kills the confidence of the graduates. Valuable three lives are lost.

You have to be a self-learner, save more / spend less, trust your instincts. Do not follow the crowd then only you can live a safe life.

Never follow the materialistic world and showoff things. Learn, Teach, Help, Live quietly. Never trust media, social media and useless expenses in Life. No matter how many relatives they had they took such a bad decision. 

Save more, Learn more, Spend Less, Be a better parent. 

Short Life

My Dad passed away 4 years back. Today my mom was not well. I feel the aging factor in me at times. Always I kept focussing on career and less focus on people around me. I regret prioritizing my career all my Life.

I hope I change myself for the better.

Keep Going

Quantifying my Reach on Internet

My stats across different channels
  • 380 answers in Quora 415K Views, 1.83K upvotes
  • Tech Blog - 864 Posts in 10 Years - 272K Page Views
  • Personal Blog - 963 Posts in 10 Years - 116K Page Views
  • Stackoverflow - 44 Answers - 632K People reached - Top 16%
  • SQA Stackoverflow - 112 answers - 272K reached - Top 6%
Number of Followers
  • Twitter - 428
  • Quora - 788
  • Linkedin - 3959
Ranked 54th in Top 100 Data Science Blogs -
Top 6% in SQA Answers -

Roughly, I have reached 1.5 million+ views through different channels. I have 5K followers across all mediums

Happy Learning!!!

Skill Assessments

Experimented Rasberry Pi3 for #Surveillance setup using #OpenCV #Haar filters, SSDLite-MobileNet-v2 on Pi4, Tensorflow Lite. Learning mindset gives me satisfaction and learning moments. (Pic source - Twitter - Skill assessments have to be learning mindset based not objective questions based. (#linkedin, other #hiring #platforms need to understand)


You will master it anyway!!!

My Quotes on Life

Some Life Quotes, Apologies for spelling mistakes.

Keep Going!!!

Guilt in Life

I have a lot of differences in my opinions, decisions with my close ones. These days I live with a lot of guilt in me. Sometimes Life will give you answers when you no longer need them. Life is tough, emotions are a pain. Time flies. Being emotionally strong and balanced is a tough trait.

Keep Going!!!


Money has a different dimension in terms of how we manage, save and spend
We cannot equate happiness with lavish expenses
We can definitely measure hunger when your pockets on empty
Money-saving is a skill, spending is a skill
To live a contented life you need to balance your income, savings, and expenditure
Affection/care cannot be expressed in terms of money
You can be happy with a priceless gift or unhappy with an expensive gift
Life does not need a great start but it needs a great ending

Focus on keep going.

Live Wisely.

Challenges in our country

  • Focus on better education than weapons and defense
  • If we have 100 students, Good education will bring the best out of 100 not the top 10 out of 100
  • Innovation comes from quality education. Unrealistic and zero problem-based learning, If children are taught to solve the problem in the fastest time then they will never be able to see the big picture
  • Poor policies to track and fix black money
  • Divisions in name of religion/caste in every possible way
  • China is a way ahead in research, product development, innovation, patents. We are nowhere to close to china
  • Blame game on each other than constructive renewable and meaningful development
  • Suzlon is going bankrupt whereas coal and oil-based companies are thriving, Such is the state of the economy
  • Unless we accept the problems, we will never be able to find solutions
  • Population cannot be controlled by policies. We need good education, Only education can clear the ignorance
  • Nothing changes in tokens, for large scale change we need to rebuild the complete education system

Keep Thinking!!!

Give up or Keep Going!!!

You try 10 things but only 1 or 2 succeed. 8 things failed is one perspective, 2 things worked is a little positive motivation. Until my heart keeps beating failure is never an option. Learn, Teach and Keep Learning. I hope one day my blog stands tall with all the technical learning's.

Keep Going!!!

10 Hard Hitting Scenes of Asuran

  1. The Slipper scene will hurt every individual on both sides. Humanity was killed that moment
  2. The question the young girl asks everyone was mute spectator was a slap on the face of humanity
  3. Education is the only weapon which no one can rip off from you
  4. Pass through hate. Do not fight against it
  5. Where is honour if my son is not alive 
  6. The cry of father and mother on losing their Son. It reveals the raw emotions of them being helpless and no one to support. Acceptance of loss is a pain was portrayed in raw emotions
  7. The father does not kill Son's killer because he wants to end the loop and save his family. 
  8. Organized riots were portrayed with complete coordination. When you are silent against injustice, you are part of injustice committed
  9. Reach a good position and do not do what they did to you
  10. Conclusion of "When you speak the same language and live in the same land, we can live together" is nice.

It took so many years to get to grassroots and understand the importance of education from historical context. This is the need for the hour!!!

Stay Kind Keep Travelling

Completed 30K km in my Ghost Rider. I prefer the worker who takes care of the car to bless the car. This year I did it in Pranav Auto care.

Happy Driving!!!


I cared for her deeply and I had a lot of Sleepless Nights in the memories of how I could make things work again. It is a pain to lose people in life but again the pain changes you to accept the Lonely journey. All the failures are difficult in the beginning but they let you step into you are mature self. Becoming more patient, humble, less judgemental, optimistic as well open to accepting failures and learning from them.

Lonely Days!!

Think if today is Last day of life

Every night if this is going to be my last day
  • What do I think about this life?
  • What have I achieved?
  • What are my top regrets?
  • What are my top happy moments?
Let me think through my success reasonably 
  • I have lived up to my values 
  • I feel the humbleness patience and open to learning has been up top strength 
  • Able to accept my mistakes and apologize so the regrets
  • I don't think I have been a good son are a great sibling
  • I share my own pain with my inability to succeed in some of my past relationships 
  • This life has been in a lot of learning I carry with me all the lessons 
I have tried my best to share the world the things I have learnt

What is Education ?

The primary objective of education is to
  • Question your beliefs and find the truth
  • Able to experiment
  • Able to see things in multiple perspectives
  • Find possible answers with certain degrees of thoughts, experiments
  • Driven by facts
  • Able to solve the problem systematically through experience
This would slowly drive you into a thinking mindset and moral compass to question everything that you do to why you do. If we do not question anything we will not learn anything.

Keep Learning, Keep Thinking!!!


Loved this Lines from my own Quora Answer

You Lose to Learn
You Win to Lose Again
You Lose to Learn Again
You Win Again
That's Life!!!


Healing is the process of acceptance of own mistakes, regrets, failures. Healing means you know more about yourself and your strengths, weaknesses. To reach the state of mental toughness you need to go through a lot of reading, travel, look around and find the perspectives, a bit of depression.

When people leave you, disappoint you, they teach you a lesson. In a way, they are your master. Learn better to avoid such future situations, improve on your instincts, improve on your thought process, ideas, efforts, patience, humility, and kindness.

Keep Going!!!

I Hate MCQ Questions

I am not sure if knowledge comes from choosing the best answer. After spending so many years I have three types of knowledge

Theory - You know the concepts. OS / Compiler / Concepts. As part of work, I never was deeply involved in these areas where I understand theoretically

Practice - After working a good amount of time in the Database, I finally understand internals, query execution, performance tuning. The insights from work are the key things.

Theory and Practice - AI in my 2.0 learning is like learn-code-share. I don't think we can measure skills or problem solving with proven interview questions. I prefer to do personal projects from time to time to keep myself updated.

I have some ideas, perspectives, working knowledge, few thoughts. Its the mindset that matters not the marks.

With so many people and so good marks and very few changes in the real world. Time to question our beliefs and relearn the basics.

Keep Going!!!

Fantastic Thought - Simplicity

"I do not believe in honors.
The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out,
The kick in the discovery,
The observation that other people use it"

"I was an ordinary person who studied hard. There's no miracle people!"

Keep Going!!!

Independent Thinking Vs Depression

When you take your own decision and go against the popular, society defined standards you will end up being alone. When you are alone you will have a lot more pressure to find ways to solve your own problems. Our family system is closely connected in many aspects of thinking, caste, *to-do* patterns than follow your own mindset approach.

When you stand alone, you really stand-alone emotionally and you will have to support yourself in all your struggles. It is easy to talk about something and do something. It is difficult to do something against the predefined norms of this society.

To be a loner needs guts, glory and be top of your game. It's not the length of life but what we contribute from our end to make things better for people around us. Be kind that's the only thing you can leave in this world.

Initially, I expected world to be like a cloud 9 situation. I healed from my failures, I stopped expecting answers for the betrayals. There is a level of selfishness and ego in life in every relationship. You may not get the same love in return. It's all fine. Stay kind no matter what. We don't gain anything by manipulating. My failures, success everything is the same. I just need to make sure I impact as many people possible in a positive, can-do way. Hope we create a more thinking generation than a follows the crowd generation.

Stay Kind, Stay Focused, Keep Going.

Analytics in Elections

If Analytics is used to target people, neutralize opinions, create digital impressions. This would lead to the creation of bias. This is not a good use of AI.

Analytics is needed to create affordable health care, forecast economy, provide good insights to develop people, economy jobs. AI should be used in the right sense. AI for politics will benefit in the short term but it is a curse in the long term.

When the truth is neutralized with biased facts the consequences of power with the wrong leaders will be a curse for the future generations

Keep Thinking!!!

Multiple Way of Problem Solving

  • Combine multiple non-working solutions to make up a solution
  • Explore in a different perspective
  • There is a specific way of seeing

Keep thinking!!!

Carl Sagan Thoughts

Applies very well to the current state of education
  • Government has a responsibility for making people self-reliant. Able to take care of themselves. 
  • Why we choose to have homeless people, unemployment. This country has vast wealth. Where is education, improve economic standards. We are using the money for the wrong stuff.
  • Kids are very smart, they are not taught practical applications. There are no many jobs that require differentiation, optimization, problem-solving to what is solved in class. 
  • We are not taught science but beliefs. Now we have a conflict of faith vs evidence. Hold your belief until you find sufficient evidence.
  • Ignorance and power will ruin the education system of this country
  • Science is a way of thinking, Ask skeptical questions to find the truth. Science can accept mistakes and move forward but not faith
  • The arms race will make rich people richer

Keep Thinking!!!

The bad education system

If I have 100 students in my class, the objective of education is to bring the best out of the 100. There are different aspects of life/ domains. You can make a living out of any skill that you Love. It could be Sports, Science, Engineering, Medicine, Farming, Painting, Travelling, etc. It is endless.

The current system of education that filters the best 10 and trains them to compete against the rest of the world. The system of examination where your thinking is not developed but how fast you solve in pressure is tested. These are man-made flaws in our education system. The beauty of great education system is the one that always keeps you open to problems, thinking, marathon towards solving newer problems.

This marks, scores are not a true measure of intelligence. Newton, Einstein every great person would fail with the Indian System of Education. Education should benefit for Life, not for a job. Education that goes not make you kind, humble, thinking, experimenting is a *waste* education.

Do not get carried away with the rat race. Stay away and give meaning for your Life. Prove that going with the crowd is not always the best decision.

A great scientist, innovator, a social activist will be lost with the multiple-choice based education system. Every failed student is a lost opportunity for the nation. We are a failed nation if we are not able to educate at scale. Education is for Life not for Job.

Keep Learning!!!

Food for Thoughts

Keep Learning!!!

The notion of Sex Education

How do we explain kids about a relationship, sex, and about right/wrong things? With a ton of porn, movies influencing teen love stories, predators, abusers around it becomes, even more, tougher to explain them right/wrong things. How to identify good touch / bad touch.

When you punish an offender, you need to look at the root cause or reason behind such thinking. The wrong portrayal in movies, a lot of porn around influence the kids.

Time to think!!!

Life after Death

I have a very limited set of folks whom I talk to. Last night I was discussing how many people will remember me if I am dead today.

My office folks for a few days
My friends for a few months
My Siblings for few years
My mom for Lifetime

In the end, nothing is going to stop. Everything will continue to evolve and change. We are here only for a short time in this world. Life in one way appears fearful and virtual. In the end, we don't live forever. Being uncomfortable, able to think curiously, living up for some good is all we can end up doing in Life.

A lot of things are wrong, more than what we interpret, the way things are designed to think this way are more. To free from the clutches of influence and think independently is a key trait. 

Life is just learning every day with the uncomfortable questions which are part of learning. I wish everyone a bit of patience, faith, and persistence. We are all running busy without doing any good to people around us or for us. Slow down, pause. This is just a transition. Make life a little meaningful...

Keep Going!!!

Balancing Emotions and Happy Memories

When someone leaves us it puts us in a lot of emotional trauma. This pain never settles as there are many unanswered questions. We forget the good memories they gave and carry bitter memories. Sometimes solutions depend on areas we focus on. Instead of focusing on the anger and bitter ending. We can better remember the good memories they gave and take it as a note of positive encouragement. We don't leave the world alive in the end. Instead of bitter regrets and heavy heart we can at least forgive whatever possible.

We tend to be a loner not because we intend to but because we prefer to stay in our own line of thoughts. Sometimes happiness is just looking up the sky at night. You don't need to be in a crowd to enjoy your Life.

Keep thinking, Keep Learning!!!

The Web Trap

Escape the Web
  • Facebook wants you to spend more time reading pics, selfies, chats, videos
  • Whatsapp - The message alert for forwards, quotes, timepass conversations
  • Quora - From specific and intellectual platform it has also changed into a form of a self-promotional platform
  • Youtube - The kind of recommendation that literally provides the same type of content
The whole of mental, emotional health is nowhere in the picture. On top of it the dark side of adult content. All these are doing no good for humanity. More than the good things there is a lot of time wasters/productivity killers.

Quit Everything, Take a walk, Spend time talking to real people and the real world.

Keep Going!!!

Recollecting old memories

After 17 years I went back to my College. It has been a memorable and special moment with a lot of memories. My since thanks to my Principal, HOD Saradha Mam, CSE staff of IRTT. My intent is to convey them my perspectives for career, life and getting better at knowing self, become more self-aware.

1. Read about architecture from
2. Write a simple app for few users, Pickup next task to scale it for 100, 1000 users
3. How do I design a recommendation system, Pick a paper, work on it and connect it to your use case
4. Read latest tech news from hackernews, Techcrunch and understand what market demands
5. Get familiar with code management tools git etc..
6. Read a bit on frameworks, concepts, hosting your own portals, own apps, games, etc
7. Get better at one thing, Focus on it for many years to Master it and Keep Learning, Be your own competition

Many thanks to IRTT CSE Staff and Students for this opportunity


There are two kinds of Guilt in Life. Type1 - You know and people around you know you made the mistake and you regret it. Type2 - You only know you made the mistake and you didn't share with anyone. It is better not to accumulate both these type of Guilts. In the end feeling of Guilt is the worst punishment in Life.

Better live a simple life and pass away than trying to prove others your point. Live well with fewer regrets and guilt

Keep Going!!!

Leave it before it destroys you

Sometimes people leave you because they cannot handle the problems and pressure you handle
Every relationship comes with loads of expectations and zero sacrifices to make it work
Everything is fancy like in the movies and songs but the reality of life is different
Living on your own beliefs needs guts, boldness and hard work
The world is easy for people who follow the crowd and hard for people who are outliers
In the end, Life is an experience not a result of an Exam
Let go everything, Let it all go. 
Stay Kind, Stop looking at closed doors, move on with your Life!!!

Perspective of Decisions

When someone is not able to explain the rationale behind the decision it is hard to interpret the perspective. When things come down from elders as 'I feel this is not right'. It's hard to digest without a rational explanation of things. Do we need to play safe or Do we need to be rational?

No decision comes without the risk of failure. If we always play safe we will never learn the experiences/challenges. Sometimes you remain as an outlier/anomaly.

Keep Going!!!


Sometimes we look back at history to recollect and remembers some good memories. When we are lost in the present we look back and remember the past. The irony is this situation makes us feel both past and present is lost. Everything happened for a reason. Leave the regrets and take the lessons.

Keep Going!!!

Challenges Vs Staying Strong

When a challenge knocks you down. There are two options accept it and stop progressing or fight it. You may win or lose or find some other problem but yes there are more opportunities than just giving up. Struggle, Fail but do not give up. It's your life and its ending one moment at a time. Keep Fighting.

Keep Going!!!

Perception of Life

Many times there is a personal retrospection to accept the beliefs/facts of life

  • Always try to play safe because you are too old
  • Life is about living for others so we should follow what everyone follows
  • Giving opinions vs forcing opinions. Failing to trust other choices
  • Judgemental vs My way or Getaway
  • Where to draw the line of work vs life vs passion vs family
  • Life is about living independently without giving an emotional or financial load to dependents
  • Life is about Learning to experiment, Learning from failure, Attempting with all required knowledge dependencies
Keep correcting, Keep improving, Keep going!!!

Thought for the day

Ideas come when you compete against yourself. To win a competition you need to create more ideas out of creativity, not pressure. I don't beat anyone but I beat myself by improving myself every single day. Keep thinking, Stay open to new motivation sources, Keep Learning and Sharing!!!!

Future Ready - Move on from the Past

Some thoughts for a positive future mindset.
  • Let's pretend it never happened - Yes there is no point to revisit something that can't be undone. It is better to accept "It never happened"
  • Correct Yourself - Focus on correcting yourself not to repeat the same things again
  • Meet New People - Meet people who will align with your principles and values, not in terms of education
  • Work on Your Dreams - the Best thing in life is to pursue what matters most in your life. Focus on your dreams, ideas
  • Keep Travelling - Embrace more travel, more journeys. Keep Learning and Keep traveling

Happy Learning!!!

My Learning's from Highway Driving

1. Speed up when you have less traffic and high energy. The belt from Krishnagiri to Vellore is actually my speed gain area. The road is good and it is lush green. Also, there is a pleasure driving and enjoying nature.

2. Slowdown in Traffic - I lose my passion for driving with heavy traffic, high-speed car chases. I opt timings late night to avoid rush hour traffic. Similar in Life, we need to stay away from Rat Race and chose our passion and drive in our own pace

3. Don't drain your Energy in High-Speed Chase - Never practice rash driving, racing against other vehicles. Learn to enjoy your journey without competing against anyone. Compete against yourself.

4. Enjoy the Journey - Remember the moments of life, Cherish some memories, Learn from some lessons. Use the time to Retrospect and learn yourself Deeply

5. Be Kind - Be kind to people you meet in your Journey. Highway snacks chat, Tea chat in favorite eateries have given a good set of known folks and have a good rapport

At last, there are only happy moments in Life, Nothing else matters...

Teaching and Learning

Over the past few weeks, I am learning Tensorflow by teaching and learning. The questions form students push me further to learn and find more technical aspects. There is both pressure to learn and happiness in teaching. Keep Going.

Happy Learning and Teaching!!!

The Happy Teaching Moment

Teaching is my passion, Learning, building perspectives, connecting dots is my path for wisdom. Personally, professionally all my failures continue to keep teaching me to be more humble, kind and hardworking.

Today, I received feedback for one of my session. Below are the scores. A reason to smile and keep continuing the journey.

Keep Going!!!

Closing many chapters

At some point, you got to be selfish to prioritize your goals and dreams. Some insecurities are necessary to break your fears. At the end it's going to break it or build it. Keep going, Rebuild yourself, Take all risks possible. It's not about winning or losing. It's about giving the best.

Keep Going!!!

Travel Experience

Travel is a unique experience. It sets you outside your regular schedule of the same place, people and routine. Sometimes you collect memories, moments, lessons. When I look at people arriving at the airport I seem them as fresh moments of new experiences.

Keep collecting more memories!!!

The one for Someone

Kids are amazingly great. There is a special portion of happiness in being someone that kids always look up to you that you won't fail their expectations. I have seen my niece since her 30 days. She has always looked up to me as someone who will say yes to shopping, travel, travel. It's a special moment to receive her at the airport every time. She is the little moment of happiness I look up to travel 400kms for the single moment. She has been the most kind, popular demand person at home. I am going through a million challenges at this moment in life. Yet this is a little moment of happiness.

Keep going!!!

Glimpses of Pune - Shiridi Highway

Keep traveling to find the lost soul!!!
Keep Going!!!

Death of Memories

Good Memories give us smiles and doesn't stay in us forever
Bad Memories give us sleepless nights and slowly kill us
People who gave us both good and bad memories haunt us forever
Before actual death we die of so many things that burn us when we are alive

That's Life!!!
Stay Kind and Keep Sailing!!!

Moments of Death

Before we actually die there are many moments of Death that happens within us

  • Death of Trust
  • Death of your Dreams
  • Failure of your passion
  • Death of a Relationship
  • Death of Communication
  • Deaf and Dumb Emotions that make us into Living Machines

When you accept nothing from life. Everything that you receive becomes a bonus. You can still be happy in Empty Life. The boy was lost, he cried, he felt alone. He is the little boy with a kind heart and faith on his dreams. He keeps going!!!

Seeking something New

I believe in my Karma but sometimes I seek answers beyond what I could not find. I came to shirdi. The place is good. Went early in the morning. Had a good darshan. I prayed for Let more good and positive things happen going forward.

Sometimes you face too much difficulties only to prepare yourself for bigger destinations.

Keep Going!!!

Pray for more Happiness, Inner Peace!!!

Glimpses of Early Morning Sun rise

Keep Going!!!

Ten ways to get yourself back

  1. Find your highlights and low-lights moments and see your strengths 
  2. Write down your passion and goals and find correlation between your passion and your previous achievements (highlights). Pick the things you are most comfortable with 
  3. Write down your emotions and your thoughts. Never hold regret and anger for long. Apologize, forgive, care and move on. Be the same even when people change their attitude towards you
  4. Align everything according to your values. Do not do anything that conflicts your values
  5. Money is a byproduct of talent and hardwork. Build those then money will come automatically 
  6. Spend time with underprivileged children. They teach you the blessings of life.
  7. Do not go for alcohol. It just pauses things doesn't solve anything 
  8. Sometimes happiness is about being kind to strangers, going the extra mile, letting go and blessing everything 
  9. Age gratefully, take care of your health. The end need not be grand or poor but it can be decent 
  10. Do something that helps to leave your footprints for future generation. Become a good teacher, coach, friend and whatever you truly can contribute to

Reclaim your Life!!!

When the answers no longer matter!!!

  • Some questions will leave you restless for long time
  • Some questions will keep your breaking down as painful memories
  • Some questions will leave you broken from inside
  • Those questions open up, clarify, change your perspectives of the people, relationships 
  • Those questions break you to build you at a later point in time

Stay kind and keep going. Don't change yourself even when people change the way they connect with you. Keep going!!!


As I come back again to Bangalore airport I remember all memories

  • Going to US
  • Going to Mumbai
  • Going to Goa / Hubli
  • Going to Delhi
  • Going to Chennai

A lot of memories and a lot of events. Good memories give you smile and happiness. Some bad experiences give you pain. In the end those memories give you some questions which disappear over a period of time. We keep meeting new people and keep experiencing life and the lessons it gives us.

I can't keep smiling with all the experience I have been through. On my dear Life give me some good memories too

Keep going. Live free!!!!!

Life and the meaning of it

After a lot of emotional pain. Now, its time for physical pain. Sometimes happiness is a distant dream. Sometimes you need to struggle too much even for basic minimum things in Life. When people close to you emotionally drain you, you will never be happy and living your best.

Time to let go of everything and move on.

Keep Going!!!

The Cycle of Discounts - Nothing Comes Free

Whatever I saved in #Ubereats, #Swiggy on discounts I spent reasonable money 3X in my hospital expenses. Nothing comes easy in life. What comes easy will not last long. I thought I saved money by discounts but finally, I paid the price of ignoring health.

At least moving forward I need to have the discipline to spend life and respect every aspect in life friends, family, work, health, and good food. Thank you life for giving another chance to change.

Keep Going!!!

Down with Typhoid

As you keep going one day you get brutally knocked down because of a sedentary lifestyle. In the middle of night managed to reach the hospital. As usual, my best buddy Dinesh was there the moment I got admitted. I haven't learned lessons of respecting good food, respecting the body with proper rest, food habits. It taught me the lesson I deserved.

Keep Going!!!

It's My Life

What I am

  • I chose to wear same pattern of clothes and cut my spending for Fashion
  • I chose to learn, listen good music than expensive travels to crowded places
  • I chose to have a better inner-self than better selfies

Why I am like this

  • My Knowledge will become redundant without Updating it
  • My Health with Deteriorate with this sedentary lifestyle
  • My Job is not permanent, I want to stay away from materialistic desire

What I want to accomplish

  • I want to code till my death
  • I want to write quality papers with my experience
  • I want to teach with passion and inculcate the creative thinking habit

Chose being simple and build a richer inner-self

- Siva

My way of Learning new things @ Work

  • Rely on books, blogs, articles, stackoverflow
  • Build on different views, understand an develop your perspective
  • Watch some tutorial, follow the steps
  • Write my own script, customizing the already built code
  • Implementing a solution that Interests me

Happy Learning!!!

Thoughts on becoming a consultant

As I get near to 40, I keep evaluating myself to focus on a few concrete goals than big broad goals. You need to manage financial goals, learning goals and better health to continue to innovate/learn code till 50.

  • Consulting and working on AI / ML focused projects
  • Training / Sharing Learning
  • Pick a few product ideas, do an MVP

To quit a regular job and move into these roles needs a backup plan for insurance, health aspects. Getting closer to the next big move.

Keep thinking!!!

Bitter and Sweet Life

One bad moment in life leads to multiple bad decisions. When you are stuck in that Deep trouble you reach out for help. But those moments make you feel Life is only bitter. But someday we heal and become better. After a few days, weeks, months you come back to yourself and be a better kind person. Life can get bitter, sour but one day it will shine and become sweet too. That's Life.

Keep Going!!!

Good Thoughts

I will no longer react as a fool, instead i will fully appreciate there knowledge from r/motivation

So far you've survived 100% of your worst days. You're doing great. from r/motivation

Keep Going!!!

Share Your Learning

Lets be Open about Learning, You never become expert at any point!!!

Keep Learning!!!

Degree != Skills

Bill (MS), Larry (Oracle), Steve (Apple) didn't graduate. Ability and achievement speak more than degrees. High Drive and Consistency matters. No Grades, Move in at the same time. Encourage a love for Maths, English to match aptitude and ability. Teach to the problem, not to the tools. Engine take it apart, Learn by Experimentation. Love going to school is a good sign. Introspective questions, self-evaluation.

Happy Learning!!!

Hope, Happiness and Hardwork

I learnt from yesterday
I love my present
I hope for a better tomorrow

Keep Going!!!

Education 2.0

The Essence of Education is to promote thinking, create new perspectives. Everything has to be learnt in a collective experimental way. In a Nation of Billion People where we give admission to the best of few thousand folks.

The knowledge ladder of sharing is missing. The role models Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan have made innovations and biggest tech companies. If we could target helping people realize their potential, Rewrite the definition of education. Helping people to innovate, experiment. Get Away from Ranks / Grades. Helping every single individual become an Innovator, Creator.

Failed Education system is the one where it fails a student. Every student has the potential. Life time learning is education. Education doesn't end with grades, marks, jobs and titles.

Keep Learning, Keep Sharing, Keep Going!!!

Thank You Life

"Success limited my perspectives
Failure gave me newer opportunities
Failure is a bitter friend
Success is a Sweet Poison"

"Intelligent People do politics
Average People Keep Working and Keep Learning"

Last two days are memorable days to share my learning's in terms of Data Bases, Data Evolution to NoSQL, Big Data and sharing all my lessons. Vibrant and Enthusiastic Participation. Grateful to IPL and my students.

"At last I have gathered enough memories to forget the scars"

Thank you, my dear Participants, Wishing you the best.

Keep Learning, Keep Going!!!

Learning Skills

A new definition for Learning

Learning Agility, Skills that keeps you relevant
Move Away from Grades to Solving Societal problems - MESS - Maths, English, Social Sciences

New Age Learning

  • Language - Communication
  • Social Science - Human Behavior / Conflict
  • Science - Inquiry and Skeptical Thinking
  • Knowledge is transferable skills and Connect dots across 
  • Multi-Disciplinary Thinking, Become Cross Curriculum Specialists
  • Social and Emotional Skills
  • Pattern Identification, Generalize into Knowledge - Intelligence
  • Create a structure of patterns and learn from it

Redefine Knowledge, Redefine Education!!!

My Thoughts

My Writings :)

Keep Going!!!!


The beauty of life is change. Change means you need to be aware and alert about the present. Living in the present moment needs both emotional and intelligence applied to current situation. Emotional understanding is the balance between expectations and realistic outcomes. Intelligence is the knowledge applied to emotion with an empathetic perspective. Keep making small improvements to see the shining start one day!!!!

Flip flops in life

Success is built on failure. Failure is built on success. Everything overlaps again and again until new strategies evolve in life. You have to learn to differentiate long term and short term people in your life. What comes easy won't last long. What lasts long won't come easy and that's life.

The life cycle

Probably I have realized and understood life a little better. The three things we search in life are goals, relationships, God. Goals serve is financially. Relationship serves us emotionally. When both have issue God comes to the rescue. The underlying things is empathy and kindness. Life is built on set of values to give proportionate happiness and success. True happiness does not look happy from outside rather it is very eternal and private. This moment to think with clarity and able to see, predict is factual and realistic moment of life!!!

The journey of experience

At some point in life, you develop a strong aversion for people who put you down, left you in tough situations. What doesn't kill you kills your emotions for the person. You question your emotion to question the logic behind trusting the person. Emotional pain is a life-changing experience. For the giver it's an incident, for the receiver it is a journey through the rebirth of self, killing the logical views accepting the loss as a reality. Oh, life make me numb towards people who killed my emotions. Let there be kindness, hope love going forward in my journey!!!


Writing is the best way to offload your emotions. I have had my moments of success,.failure, loss, optimism, hope, and kindness. Differentiating the care and supporting the arguments is the biggest challenge. Disagree and amicably discuss is something rare to spot and find. Decisions without logic, decisions without clarity, decisions blindly followed, decisions without morality are the greatest dangers in today's life. 

This life has no logical answer to emotional pain. Learn to Learn from the pain to find your new self!!!

Mind manipulation

The human mind is an expectation driven system. Similar to neural networks we make our moves for targets. The inputs and traits are from our beliefs, end goals, people who influence us. Mistakes are important moments in life. They help us to correct, find and become a better version of self. Acknowledging and awareness of our actions is important to understand the process of thoughts and the path of decision making. Being open to our past, willing to learn, correct from past, acceptance and presenting the realistic version of self requires clarity, confidence, and patience. Keep working to come out of all the differences in life and becoming a better version of self!!!

The lonely days

You feel lonely when
  • You are not surrounded by truth
  • The environment does not reflect beliefs
  • When success is not an outcome of efforts rather by connections and contacts
Life has a lot more learning on those days
  • Finding yourself in the storm
  • Sailing with the hope of finding a shore
  • Having the same patience, peace in your actions
Keep going!!!

Mystic life

Some moments of excruciating pain make me feel why to continue to live further. As I age I can feel severe symptoms of bad posture, long working hours, muscle and vein stiffness. If I had this awareness at 20 I would have been more careful with decisions in my life. I want to make something concrete before I reach my half-century. Finding the right person seems like a mirage. I have spent most times only trying to adjust than finding someone who will accept me as I am. If values are so true then we would not see so much of inequality in this world. Oh, life when it's going to be a level playing field.

Keep Going!!!

Strategy for Sucess

Learning Strategy
The ingredients of knowledge are learning, reading, writing, communication, experimentation, and presentation. With this constant distraction, I always feel keypads and pre WhatsApp era better than the current generation of real-time messaging. From attention, it has become a life of distractions. With this pace of difference, we may slowly lose fundamentals and thinking aspects and will end up as one click machines.

Emotional Wellness - Growth Oriented Mindset
Analyze and evaluate your activities and thoughts. Gone are days to retrospect as year-end or promises to fulfill. Working backward goals should reflect in thoughts, planning, habits. Every day and every moment class contributes delta to the larger goal. Load your memory with thoughts that propel towards the end goal. Your emotion is also like a weapon. As long as you don't pick your right emotions you cannot move in the right direction. Timebox and retrospect every single moment.

Keep going!!!


Anything in life is an experience
Experience for truth requires consistency 
Experience of trust needs loyalty
Load your memory with beautiful and kind experiences 
Let the peace and kindness guide go...

Keep Going!!!


Time tells what is the truth
Time tells who truly cares
Time tell who keeps promises
Time tells who will come till the end
Time is everything 
Test of time decides who parts ways and who stays
Time reminds us of the remaining time
Time is the master that gives rebirth to a better version of self

The Day, The Hour, The Moment, The Life

Today I and my mom were re-arranging things after painting a few rooms. She remembered all conversations related to the purchase of every single item. All the way from my birth plus collecting some memories by looking at my Dad pictures. In the past few years, I always had a lot of differences with my mom. Also, I was never able to meet the right person in my life. I have learned a lot from my mom. I still keep fighting for many things which I differ from her opinion. Sometimes I feel those childhood days are better and blissful.

I am happy for these days at home. I am able to look at life differently outside work. I have to be more kind and planned for life. Many lessons, Many memories, One Life, Make it more meaningful. Keep Going!!!

Thank you, my mom, for tolerating me all these years, You have been the only one for me to look up to for all my bad and good days.

Driving from Distractions to Focus

Life is just a collection of moments. To maintain consistency and discipline we need to change our distractions into focus.
  • Doing what the present needs - Education / Working
  • Working on your mistakes / Areas of Improvements - Growth Oriented mindset
  • Taking care of emotional health - Do not let things occupy more space than what they deserve
  • Maintaining the Rhythm of Discipline - Timebox activities for Work - Cooking - Cleaning - Walking - Learning - Maintain Relationships
  • Becoming the best in your field of Choice - Working on 1% better for every day
Measure yourself against every day and find the change / constant factor and slowly push those that are not required. Embrace change, Optimism, and Kindness.

Life will shine every passing day!!!

Existence Vs Living

Mere Existence does not quantify living. Living means it's bound for a purpose and it serves for a better humanity. Follow the crowd or find yourself are two types of journey. As long as you follow the crowd you will never find yourself. To find yourself, you need to be lost. The true measure of pain, passion, success, failure comes from multiple iterations of failure, repetition, and learning. 

Stay Alive, Awake and Present!!!

Meeting the Right People

2012,2017,2018 had been my personal toughest years of Life. I keep learning as I keep failing in meeting the right people in life. A balance of views, education, the mindset is the key. However, when you like someone it is a lot more than just the person. Maturity comes with time and efforts. Nothing comes easy in life. Keep working to meet the right people. Bless the ones who parted ways. Keep working to become the best version of self.

Apart from it, the learning for Masters, Learning at work, Travel and seeing my Neice grow up has been a beautiful part of Life.

Keep Going!!! Trust the Journey!!!

Newer version

Know yourself and your mistakes
Accept and let go hope 
Forgive bad memories but learn lessons 
Make yourself important 
Be selectively choosy
Have a high bar 
Go for character and loyalty
Improve yourself to match the newer thoughts
Keep traveling and find the little things of happiness
What you seek is seeking you 
Change yourself and find the one for yourself

Keep Going!!!

Melting moments

Some moments melt our heart
Some moments burn our desires
Some moments ignite our passion 
Some moments burn our emotions
Some moments kill our soul 
When there is so much kindness around why would I meet someone who killed my emotions 
Probably I have not met the right person
Every next move needs a different strategy, mindset, attitude
Learn to be better every moment and make moves to create, shape the next best version

Keep Going!!!

Why Facebook is not reality

We are never close to hundreds of people we are connected to. Often its a single digit of closely connected folks. Roughest and toughest relationship survive only when values and beliefs match. You can be a king, joker in life depending on your choices. Making you forcefully like, share content, feed your life with materialistic thoughts. For 100 acts of materialistic likes, there may be one or two for kindness. We have become social media kind post liking people than real kind people.

Keep a small circle of Good People!!!

Definitions of Love

True Love
  • L loyalty 
  • O One mind of wavelength 
  • V Virtually think and care for each other thoughts 
  • E Excellence and Empathy towards Life
One more Definition
  • L Lust + Lies 
  • O Keeping options to choose
  • V Vengence and hate when it doesn't work
  • E Empty your soul
Choose wisely!!!

Magical Power of thought

Creating new perspectives
Finding new ideas from Failures
Think slow on Failures, Operate fast on Execution
Balance of both thinking and agility of speed of execution
Staying focused on Purpose
Growth oriented mindset
Keep Going!!!

Get Better, Be Better, Do Well

History is a distraction
Today is an Inspiration
Tomorrow is a motivation
Make the best of today

The death moment

At around 3am I felt a pain on my ribs. I couldn't move my arms. I was struck in the signal. Fortunately, I was able to stop the vehicle rest and do some basic exercises and then move on slowly. After a bit of rest, got two injections for the gastric issues. It was almost able to feel the ribs while coughing. Body posture is very important. Avoiding soda is very important. Else it will have disastrous effects.

No to Soda!
No to Soft Drinks!
Yes to Water!!!

Re-Invest yourself with the Right Perspective about Education

Some of the classic mistakes which I did I would not repeat if I have to relearn

#1. Remember Fundamentals of Maths, Physics, Chemistry for Life Long
#2. Ability to explain, experiment, communicate is the measure of knowledge
#3. Keep marks aside, Measure yourself on Theory vs Practice
#4.  Never be afraid of Sharing knowledge, Your don't lose anything by sharing knowledge
#5. Education is not limited to the classroom, It happens in continuity and keeps going
#6. Value your time with emotional and personal growth
#7. Knowledge will reward in the long term, Stay patient and Keep Learning
#8. Degree, a title does not mean expertise, Expertise comes from consistency in learning and experimentation
#9. Be humble, kind and remember education is for soul and mind not for money
#10. True education will keep you hungry for knowledge, kind and humble human

Keep Going!!!

The sleepless Ghost Rider

I ran when the world was running 
I kept running when the world was sleeping
I ran behind titles, money, and people to replicate their success
Until one day I figured out making a million attempts makes you a hero
Making epic failures, humble in Learning from it, makes you more human 
I don't run behind anything because I have found myself in my soul 
Everything for you is in you
You need to bleed to blossom
You need to fail to flourish 
You need to know the pain of failure, for you to earn the success
Keep running, the world will notice the silent hero's one day!!

Michael Pollan: "How to Change Your Mind" | Talks at Google

Key Lessons
  • Change your attitude and Die with Peace not Fear
  • Drug experimentation over several sessions
  • Surrender to Experience
  • Relax mind and floar balanced stream
  • Good Trip and Bad Trip (Ego)
  • You can't control things than happen but you can control fear
  • Psychedellic experience, noetic sense allows people to change
  • Drug is mental amplifier, Expectation and Intention is important
  • Drug binds to Serotonim
  •  Experienced Meditators experience similar things, suppression of default mode network, Selflessness
  • Transcending the ego by sensory deprivation, prayers, music, breathing exercise
  • Microdosing, LSD Drugs (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

Derrick Carpenter: "Overcome Negative Thoughts and Build Optimism" | Talks at Google

Happy Learning!!!

This moment, Life is now!

You cannot rewrite yesterday 
You cannot predict tomorrow 
You can be productive and proactive today
This moment and this hour matters!!!

People in Our Life

People come in our lives for their own reasons and seasons
It's like a train journey, we don't know who will onboard and who will get down in next station 
The journey of meeting people never ends until the end of our journey
Leave a little kindness and little smile in every meet
Let them remember you as a positive spark and a happy memory

Keep Going!!!

Where I am at this point

If I had married
  • Playing with my kid 
  • Cooking
  • Helping home chores 
  • Coding
  • Reading 
  • Ubereats for survival 
Life gave me a broader perspective on many things. Failures, growth mindset, beliefs, experimenting. Everyone has their own time for marriage, career and newer experiences. Keep going, trust the journey!!!

Keep going!!!


Character is a combination of belief, courage, and kindness 
Be someone who never gives up on values, principles, and beliefs 
Someone who can stand for principle is more important than flexible to needs and deeds
Be a rational, kind and never give up person
Don't get carried away with the principles of shortcuts of success 
Meaningful life matters not a colorful one!!!


Education is a combination of learning, experimentation, think differently and apply new ideas, curiosity and embrace failures. Keep learning. Getting a degree is easier than graduating a subject. Aim for mastery not for medals.

Keep Learning!!!

Selective Amnesia

Forgive everything that you can 
Forget everything that you can't forgive
Be present to live in the present
Butterflies have to go beyond borders 
Let the butterfly transform into Phoenix 
Go for someone who never gives up on you
Don't pick someone who just sees the good in you
Keep flying, keep going!!!

Breakup and Butterfly

You live like a cocoon focused on living for one Person
For the one person, you adjust yourself to make the person smile always
One fine day the person leaves you and disappears from your world
Struck in the cocoon you have no clue of the outside world
You struggle to come out of the cocoon
In the process of transition, you become the creepiest Caterpillar
The Caterpillar crawls slowly learning the world of kindness
Slowly it learns the process of becoming the best version of itself
One fine day with all the transition it develops the wings to Conquer the world
Every Failure opens a million opportunities for better achievements in Life
Go on Keep Fighting and Keep Going!!!

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"