Cal Newport: "So Good They Can't Ignore You"

Key Important Lessons
  • The path for finding passion is way more complicated in reality
  • Force yourself to learn skills as there are no-pre existing passions
  • Matching your work to interest cannot give a satisfying career
  • Autonomy in Life + Impact on World = Chose that Career
  • General Lifestyle traits = Respect, Creative, Time, Schedule to Think
  • Career has given general traits than Jobs
  • Build rare and valuable skills from Lifestyle traits
  • Increase career capital to continue to work enjoying more
  • Do with an absolute limit of ability
  • Do what people do not what people say
  • Pre-existing passion leads to deliberate practice, Feel strongly about it from the snowball effect
  • Build skill acquisition when you like the field, milestones for accomplishment for more motivation
  • Expert level 10000hrs performance
  • Deliberate practice - Surgeons do, For knowledge workers few hundred systematic hours
  • Exposure to stars in the field - follow them. Don't be blind in the field
Building capital in technology, related, connected, increasing connection of capital. Gain more expertise. Ability go build up skill, learn to do tough intellectual challenges, stretch yourself while doing it. Don't spend time on tasks which does not add value in long run.

"Solving unsolvable problems in long run"

Get good at what you do, Build your career capital, become an expert in it!!!

Retrospect on certain Recent Decisions

Phd Options - I am truly happy for not appearing for GATE. GATE is a great way to master fundamentals and do Phd. To become an expert you need

  • Access to Quality knowledge
  • Experiment Ideas
  • Read Research Papers
  • Self Motivated collecting newer ideas and perspectives
  • Follow Experts

Industry, MOOC, Online Conferences are a great way to build expertise. I am totally fine with the decision to skip the traditional route and build on more daily incremental efforts. Read as much as possible, Experiment as much as possible. Build the competency for High-Quality Experiments and Focus on learning the core things. 

Expertise in AI - Focus on  Research papers, Deep Dive into courses available and the recent papers. Get comfortable with uncomfortable topics, maths formula. Always try to learn and collect small pieces of knowledge incrementally.

Expert Knowledge - Today's world provides bits and bytes of knowledge every passing moment. No one can remain an expert unless you are aware of advancements every passing moment. An expert today will be outdated if he doesn't learn continuously

Keep Learning!! Find newer creative ideas and Keep Going!!!

Day #56 - The Chapters of Life

Some chapters in Life need to be planned to focus on passion, creativity
Some people we need to find to make few chapters meaningful
Some people we need to close their chapters in our Life for a better Life
Fill every chapter of Life with passion, creativity, and kindness
Remember every chapter and the moments of success, joy, failures, lessons
My time is less in terms of ambitions vs efforts vs Life
Put extra Effort to think in a bigger perspective, Meaningful few but High-Quality Decisions
Let the rest of Life be well lived with care, attention, optimism, and kindness

Keep Going!!!

Day #55 - The self is the Universe

Feed the soul with optimism and kindness
Learn from failure, Repeat success with values
Cherish the self with kindness
Cut the arrogance Feed the humility
Slow down and feel the journey
Let the rains, winds feel special
Let the pitching heat heal the wound and shine the scar
Let there be empathy in every deed and action
Master yourself before changing the world
Find yourself before judging the world
Forgive all and keep shining

Day #54 - Life - Career - Growth - Decisions

  • Feed your mind with High-Quality Information
  • Few Good Quality Decision better than 10 Random Decisions
  • Constant Source of Knowledge / Optimism
  • Connect and Improve your Network of Like-Minded People
  • Keep Learning to Understand and be a few years Ahead with your Plans / Thoughts / Forecasts
  • Personal Branding - Building Relationships with Right Set of People

Keep Going!!!

Day #53 - Constant Learning from Every Event of Life

A curios and open mind will keep collecting new views, ideas, perspectives. An open mind will learn from both failures and results. An incremental learning mindset which does not settle will add randomness to try new creative ways. This thought of randomness is the intuition and optimism we carry to solve the problem in a neural network perspective.

Thought -> Action -> Fail  /Succeed -> Learn -> Try Newer Perspective -> Move On

An Open Mind, Optmistic and Self-Aware is all that we need for a Happy Living!!!

You Lose to Learn
You Win to Lose Again
You Lose to Learn Again
You Win Again
That's Life!!!

Day #52 - Pattern of Life

Timeboxed life with pre-determined goals
  • 5 Years - School
  • 10 Years - Sports Enthusiast
  • 15 Years - Engineer
  • 20 Years - No clue of Corporate world
  • 25 Years - Settle Down
  • 30 Years - Kids
  • 40 Years - Kids in School
  • 50 Years - Kids Marriage
  • 60 Years - Wait for death
Reality and Myths in Life
  • Education that creates paper-based Experts
  • Rare to find people using 'Common Sense'
  • Education and Money does not guarantee we lived a Great Life
  • Follow Reel Heros not real Heros
  • Become an Expert Overnight
We are all adviced by people who have no clue of what success means, how much it takes time to create a breakthrough/innovation. The pride of achievement/pride of education removes the humility and kindness. The definition of success is not money, education or wealth. It is much we are grounded, kind and have a social mindset to make the world a better place.

Someone who is well educated will be humble, kind and down to earth. The things to learn are vast. Living with no passionate interests, goals is a worthless life.

Redefine Life, Live the life that provides constant learning, creative, makes you feel humble and Simple!!!!

Happiness comes from
  • Small acts of Kindness
  • Years of Efforts and the moment of breakthrough
  • Doing something to see the smile in our loved ones
  • Happiness comes from the pain of sacrifice we do for people we care about
  • Happiness comes from sharing/learning and mindful of self
Learn to respect the self with the same values, beliefs of hard work, learning, kindness.

Keep Going!!!

Day #51 - Transform all Disappoints into a Form of Positive Energy

I stopped expecting results for every effort in my life. Indeed we can never predict the decisions in our Life. The only thing we can care about is our feelings about ourself. Sometimes It feels this cutthroat race, paper-based expertise, pattern-driven life of study - marry - kids - raise kids. Life isn’t for reproduction, It's bringing next generation with some brains and use for humanity

Life is good when focused on personal goals and being a better person every single day. We can never give up on expectations but again we need to chose to balance positive/negative outcomes.

At this period of Life, everyone lives a King Life, The breadth of knowledge available to learn is available all the way from Stanford, MIT. 15 years back I had no clue of teaching between a Tier II college and Stanford. Today even if you don't step into those institutions you can still build your competency by learning, experimenting from the MOOC courses and online sessions.

This availability of Quality Knowledge would fuel innovation at grassroots. Its a pity we spend more time on non-productive apps than a productive use of time.

Life has everything that we need to be successful, we must develop enough knowledge to develop ourselves into a next better version.

Move on from Disappointments/ Failures, Someday best NIPS Idea / Paper I hope to publish. Till then keep learning. Life kind of stresses me to the limits to prepare me for better future :)

An eternal optimist needs to endure all this!!!

Let's Take More Risks, Failure More, Learn More!!!

Keep Going!!!

Day #50 - My views on feeling Depression or Low State of Life

The state of mind where you cannot come out of emotional or mental trauma. It could be the loss of loved ones, losing people, job, failures in life. Failure or the event occurs only once but we play back the event million times to find fault with people, opinions, judgments.

On top of it, we live in a society where free advice is perennial. You can be with a ton of people and still feel lonely. Life is built on mindfulness and kindness. It takes the deepest level of solitude to understand and be aware of that state. Argument vs debates, support vs criticize, ignore vs hate they are different situations we face at all times. Optimism is good but avoiding a certain amount of pessimistic people and situations is also important to succeed in life.

Life does not put anyone down. It's only the people we surround with impact our emotions. Chose kindness, chose life, Love this one time life and leave a little sparkle of kindness. You cannot be happy by destroying your inner self. Safeguard your inner self because that is the true wealth.

When I am really upset I prefer to disconnect from people and environment. It needs a lot of reading, strict focus and introspection to understand ourself. Love thy self and find the beauty and kindness in your struggle and success. Life rewards for the most persistent and optimistic person. It's hard to interpret and even harder to feel the pain but I hope this provides some views on the importance of knowing yourself better and improving our inner self.

Life does not prepare us for unknown battles, the failures harden us and make us more clear about our goals, values, and beliefs.

Life is beautiful
Stay kind and keep Going

Keep Going!!!

Day #48 - Healing

A wound emotional/physical cannot be healed by ignoring, hiding, covering up. The more you hide deeper it will impact and injure more. The more you ignore the more serious it would Cascade to other parts. Life doesn't become better by ignoring our mistakes. Mistakes become habits and habits become your character.

These wounds help us to learn about people, how to treat them, how to handle people according to their intentions and their interests. Being open to everyone and ending up dangerously hurt is a life-threatening situation. You need to gauge people based on past experience with them and handle them accordingly. Don't waste the time of your life trying to correct people. My deeds are proportionate to my happiness. Same applies to every soul on earth.

Know your mistakes and keep correcting it

Day #47 - Stay Curious, Keep Learning

Met a colleague of mine in my flat, He told back to office routine tomorrow. I told him I have the same routine all seven days. When you have a bigger passion and curiosity nothing separates your thinking with respect to place. Most of the ideas evolve out of learning, reading, and experiment.

An Extraordinary Person is an Ordinary person who has put best efforts to become an Expert.

Keep Going!!!

Day #46 - Eternal Optimist and Highly Motivational Self

For every problem, there is a solution. Every hurdle is a possibility of new thinking. Constantly seek the bit of spark to tweak the approach and achieve more creative ideas. Persistence and Patience finds a solution to every problem. I hope I can convince thy self to keep going with a smile!!!

Creativity - Constant thinking to find small improvements
Perspective - Connecting Sparks from Reading to applying
Persistence and Optimism is the biggest wealth we can have in our Life!!!

Keep Going!!!

Consistency - Commitment - Focus - Discipline

This read was a bit interesting. It reflected some of my thoughts

  • Publishing a book (One day I hope to consolidate the posts and make it a simple know-life book)
  • I have prepared a few of course materials. I am preparing some more
  • Teaching makes me more passionate about technology, learning, seeing new perspectives

Some quotes / lines I felt impressive
“Within every obstacle is a chance to improve our condition.” -Ryan Holiday, The Obstacle Is the Way

"People who automatically attract enormous success do so by making every obstacle an opportunity."

“If you want enormous success, you must become more.” -Jim Rohn

""Strict mental boundaries and commit to intensely focused work times"

Success is attracted to those who are:
Consistent in a world of impatience
Committed in a world of inconstancy
Focused in a world of distraction

“The world gives to the givers and takes from the takers.” -Adam Grant

Keep Going!!! Stay Humble and Focused!!!

Live Now - Be a reason for someone to Smile

Let Go,
     The mad days 
     The bad days
     The sad days
     The days I missed the sunshine
     The days I missed the stars
     The days I missed myself
    The nights that left me sleepless
    The relationships that broke me apart

Let it all go...
    Kill them with a smile...
    Great food, sometime to learn, something to cherish...
    Those things make all the difference...
    Life is beautiful... Leave a sparkle everywhere...

Keep Going!!!

Day #49 - Forgive All

Traffic Delays, Lets it go
Tensed Moments, Let go the anxiety, see what happens
Life is Tough, Relax Efforts already delivered
Learning is Endless, Welcome its Life
Ambitions are far, Stay Calm and Keep Working
Relationships hurt, Let go and stay calm
Someone hurt you, Forgive and Move on
Its Short Life, Remember Journey matters not the end
Life is so tough? Forget it, Live the best this moment
I am not happy? Eat, Work and Sleep well, What more than a sound body and mind?
I am not rich? Able to live a reasonable life, So richness is not too much money
Alright, Get back to Work

Keep Going!!!

Day #45 - Lessons in Life - Forgiveness

I know the pain of sacrifices for people you care
I know the pain of losing someone
I know the pain of being broken
I know the pain when people dishonor commitments
I know how people close to you still take selfish decisions
Forgiveness is for the gods
Forgive yourself and everyone all the mistakes, bad days
Keep the optimism, kindness, empathy close to your heart

Keep Going!!!


Life is not

Life != Paying EMI
Life != Job Security
Life != New car

Life is

Life = experiment
Life = learn
Life = Simplicity
LIFE = Mental and Physical Health
Life = curiosity
Life = Perseverance

Keep Going!!!

Relationship - Tips

To build a sustainable relationship in life look at

Forgiveness when things are hard to accept
Sacrifices when there are lot of differences
Support becoming better version of self
Appreciate the differences and accept in Larger context
Look at it as win win not as predator prey 
When you value yourself well, you will value others well too
People who are good to themselves will be good to other's
It takes a lifetime to understand life, the sooner you realize the more meaningful life becomes

Day #44 - Gratitude for the Self

Remember your forgiveness
Remember your sacrifices
Remember the Journey to becoming a better version of self
Always appreciate the differences
Look for win-win connections in life, not predator-prey 
When you value yourself well, you will value others well too
People who are good to themselves will be good to other's
It takes a lifetime to understand life, the sooner you realize the more meaningful life becomes

Keep Going!!!

Day #43 - Learning from Experiences in Life

I am running ends to balance my health. Yea, Life doesn't fit well all the time. Some or the other challenge keeps coming up.

Currently, trying to balance Teaching - Coding - Learning.

@Learning - First fill your mind, It will fill your pocket later
@Life - Life has to be meaningful in the end not colorful
@Nature - Still figuring out Ghost Rides and places of nature finding the self
@Health - Lost some of it, Now time is less but need to accomplish more
@RestofWorld - Stay Kind, Keep Going

Keep Going!!!

Good Motivation

Keep Learning!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #42 - Cycle of Life

Its only in the moment of sickness Life reminds its too short of a time-frame. Sometimes to remember lot more to accomplish, sometimes wonder whats the ultimate goal. A lot of learning's in life and work to take it forward. I have got a big Buddha Statue (Almost size of monitor in my desk). It filled the space in my desk and in my mind, the statue is a mark of compassion, kindness and patience.

Get Well Soon, Keep Going!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #41 - Remember the moment

When I go I go too fast, When I slow down I really slow down. Balancing act is always a challenge. While going through AI talk I really liked below thoughts from speaker. Our mind weaves around learning, understanding, explaining, thinking, building new ideas, new perspectives. Perception -> Thinking -> Learning -> Development -> Evolution

Encountered this link - What is the best advice you’ve gotten from a therapist?
Good to remember tips picked from the list
  • Your time and energy are valuable and spendable just like money
  • 24 tokens and set up sticky notes with ‘work’, ‘sleep’, ‘social’,‘recharge’
  • "Don't let people live in your head rent free"
  • “Harboring a grudge is like drinking poison every day and expecting it to make your enemy sick.”
  • Exactly!! Your time is a commodity, and you don’t owe it to anyone
  • Treat yourself as you would treat a small child. Would you only give them fast food? Deprive them of sleep? Let them lay on the couch all day?
  • Basically to be your own parent. Definitely easy to set low standards for yourself.
  • "You are in control of your life. Not your parents or friends or boss or the society. You may be shaped by them but you can't live your life blaming them for everything and not doing anything to improve your situaiton."
  • You should not rely on other people for you to feel happy. You will only burden them with your problems and put your issues on them. Same goes for them. They should not rely on you to feel happy.
  • “Make” yourself feel happy by taking actions that make you happy
  • Counselling is not necessarily meant to save a relationship, it’s to help you figure out what you want and what’s best for you
  • "There was a time before you, and there will be a time after you."
  • "When people want to kill themselves, they very rarely actually want to die. They want the pain to stop, and are so desperate they can't see the difference."
  • Healing old mental wounds. Literally talking to your past self and making amends with the bad things that happened to you in the past so they don't effect your future.
  • Throughout the day, when you're not focused on doing anything, just focus on nothing for a second. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
  • It’s not, “moving on, it’s moving foreword”
  • Try to enjoy life and not just ‘get through’ it
  • “Everyone has to experience their own pain.”
  • Treat yourself like a good friend. Depression can be very self deprecating. This helps to be make sure to be super gentle with yourself.
  • "Imagine you are standing at a train platform and unhelpful thoughts are the trains that pass, you don't need to get on every train, acknowledge them and let them pass" A therapist said something along those lines to me, it's been useful.
  • "As long as you're still breathing ... there's time to change".
  • Health is a resource

Keep Moving Ahead, Stay Kind and Focused!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #40 - Less regretful Life

The wealth we have is the peaceful mind to sleep when we go to bed. Every night could be the end of life. Every morning is a new day of life. The time we recognize its too less to achieve too many things. Prioritize, build a routine, stay kind and focus on the journey.

A less regretful day and a peaceful life make a beautiful life. Decent health, a clear mind, a job that you love and a loving family is all life is all about.

Keep Going, Stay Focused!!

Life is Beautiful - Keep Going

Keep Going!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #39 - Become the next version for past to disappear

I don't believe in time heals everything. Its an incomplete statement understood in a wrong way. A wound does not heal without medication and care. An emotional trauma does not heal without lessons and changes in mindset.

You detail out, Understand and work hard to become the next version of yourself. In that situation, the past disappears from your imagination and reality. The mind keeps the emotional pain until you heal it, strengthen it. Detail every single aspect of thought, act to understand more on what situations remind of you of the past, focusing on lessons, changing habits, thoughts, focus and working towards a better version of self.

It's easy to say 'Mastery of Self' but the real challenge is the process and progress towards it during the time of difficulties. Well done is better than well said. The uncertainties and the pain often leave us with the strength and focus to climb up and handle tougher battles in life.

Celebrate Failures, Celebrate the days you struggled for what you have reached today.

The most beautiful thing is a kind heart and a peaceful self.

Keep Going!!!

Productivity Tips - 90 x 90 x 1

First 90 Minutes on Single most important opportunity. Single most game changing opportunity

Things to Learn / Practice 
  • Bubbles of Focus - Environment for Total Focus
  • Hard to reach during key times of week (Disable calls / texts and distraction)
  • Certain days / hours device free / Solitude / Distraction Free Situations
  • Choose your peer group very well
  • Populate your life with High performers
  • Emotional Contagion - Around Inspiring / Ultra productivity / Optimizing people
  • Learned Minimalism - World Class at just few things (Develop few great relationships)
  • Focus on One Course - One great book
Things to Ignore
  • Chit Chat
  • Social Feeds
  • Quora
  • WhatsApp
  • Linkedin

Keep Going!!!

Consistency - Focus - Hardwork

The most important thing is being able to focus on things we would like to do. No clutter in execution. Mindful about the progress and the incremental learning's. Staying focused without deviating from original plans. Often ambition and goals apply for everyone but consistency is the key to make it without shortcuts. Going to bed without any regret is a blessing.

Very Inspiring Video

Our core values are our gps, unsexy decisions every day only can lead to consistent success. Our smallest decision should be aligned with your values.

Discard decision that does not align to core values. Focus on daily tasks / logs to align to your Goals.

Keep Learning!!!


Knowledge is creativity
Knowledge is learning
Knowledge is teaching in simple ways
Knowledge is the ability to abstract and present the core
Knowledge is experimenting
Knowledge is connecting ideas
Knowledge is passion

Knowledge has no correlation to degree and education. It's a state of mind that fuels you to connect ideas, expanding the horizons and limits of your thought process.

Keep learning, continue to connect ideas.

Emotional Wellness - Day #38 - Solitude

An extraordinary life needs extraordinary efforts
Ordinary efforts can't produce extraordinary results
The more we are comfortable being alone the more we know about yourself
Success depends on being different in your approach, focused and not afraid to be different
Finally I am becoming a faculty. I hope I make a mark in my teaching
Teaching has been my passion for long. Hope to share are my decade of learning

Keep Going!!!

5 things for Better Life

  • Read Everyday to keep yourself on the positive side of perspectives
  • Keep a Journal to detail small experiences and lessons in Life
  • Eat Less or Eat with the consciousness of making food to support your commitments
  • Walk a bit, Look at small things in life, Small small incidents that assure you positivity, kindness, hope, and courage
  • Instead of finding friends, Be a dependable person to people you are with, Learn to understand people, talk more than just words, Be a good listener

Keep Learning, Keep Going!!!

Quotable Tweets - Life - Career - Journey

Keep Going!!!
Stay Kind, Stay True, Live the moment!!!

My Cooking Adventures.

My Cooking Adventures. I have been thinking about this post of the list of repetitive recipes. This is over a period two years. Random Clicks.

Wheat - Sugar - Sweet Dosa


Lemon Rice


Potato Curry

These days with Swiggy / Ubereats there is hardly any motivation to cook. Sometimes when there is time and a bit of free mind I do attempt cooking.

Keep Going!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #37 - Optimism and Declutter

Most of my Days I have series of Alarms set @ 6plus to get ready. These days my ride time changed to 8. I was aware during all the 6-7 interval for every alarm. Finally, I slept during 7-8 window.

This was a 'past' setting I forgot to declutter. This clean-up was done today. Again finding a ride-share was next to impossible. It was almost 9. I was catching up on options uber /bus/split shares.

Finally after a pause of 15 mins spotted a driver with 100% route match. Landed up in office there was too much traffic on road.

Lessons Learnt
  • Lot of things which we don't declutter ends up in our habits
  • When there are no options at that moment, still your time will come and opportunities will arrive, Keep Looking out
  • Life has lot more similarities with rides, identifying the right people for long term relationships, good business partners, great friends are all key drivers in life
  • Stay alive, Stay hopeful, Stay Focused

Have an Optimistic and Positive Day!!!

Wandering Mind - Searching for the Self

Often I keep to myself long-term and short term goals. The thing we need to learn in life is resilience, perseverance, patience and persistence. Every success gives a small pride, encouragement. Everything that works in our favor makes us feel our strategies are right, our perspectives work.

Often everything is just a probability in life. Everything that works does not mean we are always right. There may be some causation and correlations. Life is a marathon to be judged in the long run not on the milestones of success.

The memories we leave behind, the moments we stand for our values, the moments we learn about failures, the moments we do small acts of kindness are the true moments of discovering the self..

These days its Books - Learning - Ilayaraja - Cooking - At Peace. Feels like I can feel every second of life

Pic - Courtesy (Pinterest)

Journey with no where to look for is like preparing for next version of self. Keep Going!!!

Learn to Let Go things that's not mean't for you.

Liked this pic from Quora. The perspective I looked at it as

"Learn to Let go things not meant for you
 Learn to Leave things that are no more in your life
Let go the past to give space to build future"

Interpreting the Lyrics - A Good Song

This song is close to my heart. He looks like my Dad in the song. Beautiful Movie!!!

Interpreting the lyrics in English

In the world where we search for gods, he is searching to find a human soul
In the world where we search for gods, he is searching to find a human soul
The one who has the kindness is the person, Will he find the world of kindness, Will such a person exist, will he find the man in himself
The ones searching for gold and treasures will keep searching more for it
The ones who have crores and crores will keep marching to capture the power
The one who reached pinaccle of success will aim for next level success
Search has become essense of life
The whole life goes searching for money, fame, success
God came to earth to find a man and he couldn't find a man :)
Where is the man who lives with a light kind heart like the air
We only find people gathering crowds and showing the power
Heart full of vengence is all we can find around us
Every soul born is God's Children 
Stop the search and find yourself
Have the kindness in yourself, Stay Kind!!!

It may not be 100% translated but I tried my best to interpret with best of my understanding

Stay Blessed!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #36 - What Good is bound to happen will happen, Stay Positive

Today is an excellent day for a positive start. Whatever happened inspired me a lot of optimism. Today cabs, buses are off from the road. I initially planned for rideshare. Around midnight it got canceled. While I slept I thought I will take office cab. The time I woke up it was already late. I checked google maps and uber. As usual, it was showing high prices. I was thinking to drive down or take uber or ride share. I needed time to get ready. After an hour I got ready. I was still thinking to take my vehicle.

After seeing a few drivers an old ride share pal showed up and I joined the drive. I finally reached office. From uncertainty to doubts, doubts to unavailability, suddenly you find someone going in the same way. The same applies to life. With the same optimism and dedication, we can hope for positive things in life, new people, new relationships, more kindness, more optimism and brightness in us.

I have had problems right from my birth, first standard admission, XIth Admission, College Admission, No Placement, Initial Startup issues, First Job Issues, Late career issues. Every one does masters in 20's, I ended up doing in 30's. I enjoyed all the late learning in my Masters.

The amount of experience life gave me it just made me more humble, kind, hardworking, patient. 

Keep going, Go Conquer the World, Let there be more hope, peace, and optimism.

This moment of Life

Happiness this moment comes from what we do at this moment
The happiness from the past came from the memory of experiences we encountered in work, relationships, travel 
When the present and past has no thread in common there is no reason to associate the past
A travel with no direction to look for is like getting ready for the next version of yourself
Keep marching ahead things will fall in line


Little recipes of kindness - Day #35 - Emotional Wellness

Apologize for your mistakes
Don't hurt someone even if they had hurt you
Avoid guilt and shame
Be honest 
Leave anger and ego
Learn as much as possible and as long as possible
Stay humble and grounded
Help others whenever possible
Forgive more 
The truth that hurts is better than the lie that promises hope
Leave a sparkle wherever you go
Sow seeds of Hope and kindness in people you meet
Embrace kindness

Beauty of Life

Last night I had to take my Black Beast Terrano for a Quick ride. It was midnight I went on the road, I wanted to quickly refill diesel and air. It was cold, calm and perfect to conquer the world. I reached Shell and asked the person to fill v-power diesel. After Diesel, I asked for Aircheck. Meantime a TS number Creta came and stopped in front of my vehicle. A guy in 20's with a bunch of girls (over packed). For a moment I looked and felt I have some space too :). He walked out and got snacks for all the pretty girls in the Creta, I looked at that and felt. He is chasing girls instead of dreams. I neither have that time nor interest for such things. I felt happy feeling the breeze and the mild winds. I paid 10 bugs for the guy and started off to disappear for a ride.

The consumeristic world, run for attention, impress someone, live a life not living what you want to be, taught to live this way to feel this is a fulfilled life.

Being an outlier is far better than getting carried away in the crowd. Choose Kindness, Stay Focused, Keep Learning!!!

The Human missing in the Coder

Today went around complete Bangalore and places where I worked 9 years back. Cunningham road, way to the airport. I had to meet one of my close friends. Life is too short and unpredictable.

We can never truly find anyone who accepts us as what we are. Life is beyond money, beyond titles, beyond education. Its so closed and narrowed that I miss looking around things. Somewhere the race of passion killed the little things of life. Often the passion and the goals do rip us apart and walk towards our ambition.

A little bit of kindness and a slow-down to pause and enjoy life is important. I feel bad for many things of the past. Sometimes I wish I could change things. It's very difficult to balance the ego/conflict of decisions vs being in the limits.

We, humans, carry the most lethal weapon in the form of emotions. Emotional maturity, kindness, acceptance never comes even when we age. The strong beliefs, its either my-way or no-way. Only thing I pray for my end in my life is momentary death than any prolonged illness.

Hoping to slow down and move with life going forward...

Back on the Road

After a month break, Ghost and Beast is back on the Road. Driving is a form of reflection of thoughts. After meeting a few friends the Advice on marriage, old age how will you live alone? HHmm. Don't know what to say. People don't end up alone in life because they wish to. Situations, circumstances and mistakes also too cost some decisions. Any relationship that does not have uncomfortable conversations will not last long. Life rewards for all the actions and thoughts. I believe in marrying someone with similar perspectives on life, education, goals. Stars and man-made definitions of religion are far from my ideology. Moving abroad many thoughts keep going around. Keep going. Someone interesting would come at some point in time.

Keep Driving!!!

Emotional Wellness #Day #34

There are no big wins before big struggles. Maturity comes with ups and downs. Life is good with more kindness, more optimism. Your past memories should not you going forward as it gave you either beautiful memories or beautiful lessons. What breaks you re-builds you for the next version. Forgiveness, Kindness is the true wealth than anything we can ever learn in this life.

The time flies like the rivers that flow to reach the oceans
The flower shares its fragrance without anyone asking it
The bird signs without anyone asking for it
Let the bitterness turn into building beautiful days
We just remember the moments of time that makes us smile
Let the kindness and affection reach the ones we truly care for
Life is good with more kindness, more optimism
Keep smiling and keep going. Life is beautiful

Flaws in our Education System

Marks does not represent expertise in the field. They only reflect the awareness of concepts that were evaluated. Questions and answers are the beginning of reasoning. They do not define the boundaries of knowledge. Rate and pace of learning are individual specific. Some may learn by experimenting, some may learn by connecting ideas. This education system creates paper-based experts who are neither intelligent nor have the curiosity to learn. The education system that does not develop curiosity, humility, morality is a failed education system. Only when education makes you curious, do experiments then only we can innovate, encourage creative ideas coming from grassroots of the society


Emotional Wellness - Day #33 - People in our life

This life is also like a moving train. People on board and exit at different intervals and situations. Sometimes some passengers leave us with beautiful memories, some leave us with beautiful lessons. When we detail our life we know a lot more on emotions and the small things that impact us. I don't remember my life by pictures but from the experience and things, I read back from my posts. Every year and every person within our family, work, friends do leave us with lessons for future life.

Had the usual conversations with my good friend Bala. We keep failing on our startup ideas. But we still carry the passion to Succeed one day.

Find beauty in the little things of life. Let the kindness and empathy make us happier and content with the self.

Keep Learning, Keep Going, Spread a little kindness everywhere!!!

This moment of Life

No matter how bad is the yesterday but focus on this hour, can entirely create a better tomorrow
No matter how beautiful is yesterday but focus on the present hour can create a better version of yourself
The regret of past or Anxiety of the future will do no good for the present, This moment dies in front of you, Make this moment better
Mindful of what you can accomplish in the current hour is more important to make today a better day to remember
Retrospect, Reflect and make every day a little better than yesterday

Keep Going!!!

Ten Years of Personal blogging

This is tenth year since I started blogging. Initially, I kept it for Quotes, Good Reads. Gradually it turned into a Journal detailing my life. Every quote when I look back I see a different perspective now with my newer experiences in Life. In these ten years, there have been many moments of joy, happiness, sadness.

Losing my dad is something I feel bad. I am still learning to be better in relationships. Hope to get better in understanding and managing relationships. Looking back in 2009 posts I felt this quote is very interesting, reposting few of them

Happy people are those who have a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives and a life of endless leisure won't provide that.

"Try and expect nothing, 
but be OPEN for anything. 
Don't look far for happiness, 
but never settle for anything less." 

 "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." — Helen Keller 

"These woods are lovely, dark and deep, 
But I have promises to keep, 
And miles to go before I sleep, 
And miles to go before I sleep." — Robert Frost 

[This one is an excellent quote] - A small trouble is like a pebble. Hold it too close to your eye and it fills the whole world and puts everything out of focus. Hold it at a proper distance and it can be examined and properly classified. Throw it at your feet and it can be seen in its true setting, just one more tiny bump on the pathway to life. - Celia Luce

Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you’re waiting for don’t pass you by.

Keep Going!!!

Emotional Wellness - Day #32 - Self Realization

Truly understanding the self is a constant search within ourselves. A few lines on Self-Love

Love is the success that smiles at your past failures
Love is the empathy that shoulders your pain
Love is the kindness that forgives your anger
Love is the mindfulness that details your life
Love is the smile and kindness you give for people who did not understand you
Love is the feeling of fulfillment of self with your emotions
Love is the empathy you feel for a stranger
Love is the smile you see in orphan kids
Love exists beyond blood relationships
Kindness and empathy drives the world
Be a little nice to everyone and leave a sparkle wherever you go

Keep Smiling, Keep Going!!!

Emotional Wellness #Day #31

#Life is a progressive realization of the state of continuously #learning, seeing new #perspectives, seeing ups and downs
A well-lived day is a little progress towards well-lived life #MyThoughts

This new year starts with AI Talks from Andre Karpathy, Ian, FeiFei on AI startups were very inspiring. Democratize AI, Building a product balancing time-feature-business need-Quality is the key for Startup Product.

Looking forward for a mindful-planned-learning oriented-emotionally well 2019
Habits to Continue
  • Books Reading
  • Tech Talks and Ideas Discussions
  • Learning moments, moments of paused reflection
  • Coding every small MVP to lowest detailed understanding
  • Journal Life
Habits to Improve
  • Better Networking
  • Better Relationships and boundaries
  • Take better care of Terrano
  • Focus on Walking, Better health
Took this test from link

My CNN is improving :)

On Life Keep Going!!!
Never Give up on Learning Things You Love to Learn
Never Give up on Career based on what you do Now
Keep Learning, Investment in Knowledge will Reward with Gold in Due Course
Be Better than yourself every passing day
Learn to live alone, Sometimes focus comes when you start to live in your line of thoughts
Focus on Health or At-least Pray have a quick Momentary Death than giving pain to others
Stay Focused on your beliefs, Values, Be a better person in your Life
As Always practice kindness, compassion, empathy
Live each day at peace

Keep Going!!!
"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"