Partner Test

How do I approach this? Discuss family perspectives/priorities, aspirations, non-negotiable aspects, and expectations, call out negatives as well, and discuss than confront, similar priorities/values, stress vs help.

Test - Link

Adults with a secure attachment style have likely been raised by parents who:

  • Provide emotional support
  • Foster a sense of independence and exploration of their emotions
  • Are in tune with their own emotions
  • Show patience, acceptance, and love

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Thoughts for Life

What happens after Death ? - Same thing that happened before our birth

What remains after our Death? - Memories and how people remember us, Our writings, our works, our opinions

What lives after our death? - Our lineage, kids, relatives, how your genes are living through your children and passed on to the next generation

What are you trying to say? - This random moment could be the moment where you can forget your worries, this could be the moment you take care of your loved ones. Today never returns. Live your best. It's okay to be simple, Be happy 

3 Lessons Writing Taught Me About Life

The best advice I never got (for a technical career)

Keep Thinking!!!



  • Credibility vs I am right. How should we argue?
  • Identity - Core values, beliefs that feel threatened, Self on the line. Who you are and what you stand for
  • Appreciation - Appreciate another side, First 10 mins listen to the value of perspective, logic, rational
  • Affiliation 

Keep Exploring!!!

One guru - One life - One Master

  • To get good at something, you need a coach who puts your ego down.
  • To get good at something, you need a coach who supports your decisions.
  • To get good at something, you need a course correction
  • To get good at something, you need good food
  • To get good at something, you need a positive environment

I have to thank my MOM for every sacrifice for me to be what I am today. I may not be the best son but I hope will try to in the coming days.

Thank you, Mom. 

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"