Some views I echo


We need different ideas, diverse people, and Team players to live together. Live and Let Live.

Keep Thinking!!!

Boolean world

  • We are all convinced to take sides, Left or right. There is no one fixed right decision in life. The view of empathy and morality should precede taking sides.
  • You do not need to follow a religion to be kind
  • You do not need to save someone only because he is on your side
  • Kindness is present in every person on earth. Do not kill it with boundaries of race, religion, culture, and gender.
  • Socialism, Communism, Capitalism everything focused on growing to next level with some principles. Man and nature have to live amicably. 
  • Dividing by principles will fail in long term. Empathy and Morality should be the drivers of decisions.
  • Live and Let everyone Live..

Hail Peace!!!

Hail Kindness!!!

Partner or Live Alone

  • Somethings you miss
  • Somethings you regret

Having a wrong partner means ?

  • Doubt, Argument
  • Justify yourself
  • Debate finances
  • Yes or No always
  • Trust Issues

With the right partner or someone who is practical ?

  • Discuss / Debate / Decide

A bad partner can be upside down in Life.

Sometimes being alone is safer than being in the wrong company!!!

On a disagreement

  • Pause the conversation
  • Attempt to negotiate
  • Clarify with purpose
  • Give it a break
  • Disagree with respect
  • Be sensitive and also express emotions

Keep Going!!!

Drug - Social media - Porn - Games - Alcohol

Smartphone has killed focus on the younger generation

  • Easy access, Great content engagement
  • Everything gives the short-term excitement
  • Fake news, Sensational debates, War, Religion Superiority, Caste superiority
  • We don't discuss quality education, healthcare
  • We take sides not working together
  • Divided by opinions and united by Death
Addiction Forms
  • Games - Kids
  • Alcohol - Adults
  • Drugs - Teens
  • Porn - For Adults
  • Social Media - For All

If you really need to be better in Life

  • Good Education
  • Being competitive
  • Being focused
  • Upskilling

All this is needed in life. Plus emotional wellness, health everything plays a role.

No one will care for you, It is your life, one life, Live well to pursue your dreams. Understand whatever happens around you is not true. Know your Life plans, Don't live every day without any purpose.

Keep Thinking!!!

My Stackoverflow QA Ranking

My Database, QA, and Performance ranking still stand in the Top 5%. I have changed roles but this top %% gives a good feel of things learned and shared.

I have moved on across roles but this feedback makes me feel, Always keep learning and keep sharing your perspectives.

Keep Exploring!!!

Authentic vs Sensible

I am going through some training. I always think multiple times and not to hurt the person. But this kind of results in piled up, trying to be more cautious. By being more candid and open we can convey the point than trying to be waiting for an opportunity.

Before and after the exercise some of my teammates evaluated my behavior. Before the exercise what do they feel I was, After the exercise what do they feel I am 

  • Disconnected,connected
  • Closed, open
  • Observant , Expressive and honest
  • Silent, Expressive
  • Observant, Pure
  • Shy, Expressive
  • Artificial, Honest
  • Closed, open
  • Disconnected, authentic
  • Silent listener, Brave
  • Made up, Authentic
  • Silent, Authentic
  • Guarded, Authentic
  • Politically right, Damn authentic from heart
  • Reserved, Opened up
  • Observing, open
  • Curious, Candid
  • Authentic
  • Beautiful heart and smiling face, Struggling to express
  • Observer, Self-analyzing
  • Observant, Expressive and honest
  • Silent, Expressive

Sometimes we suppress our emotions and we end up hurting others.

Love more, be kind, be focused.

I need to be more expressive than suppressing my emotions. Be open/vocal and clear.

Keep Going!!!

The World - The Good / Bad

  • Good things - Education, Affordable health care, Social security, Living with Trust
  • Bad Things - War in the name of religion, language, caste, The divide between rich and poor

Forget which one to pick - Communism, Socialism, Capitalism. We need the best of all to make the world good enough to live with.

Live and Let Live

Do I want the world to be a better place or I don't care about others I need to be happy?

Sometimes silence is evil.

Keep Thinking!!!

Shortcuts - Shortcuts - Shortcuts

  • Shortcut for exams
  • Shortcut for cracking interviews
  • Shortcut for answers
  • Shortcut for code copy paste
  • Shortcut to solve without learning
  • Imitate without learning
  • Happiness without authenticity
  • Speak without experience
  • Authentic vs Sensible

We don't really feel happiness, we just fake happiness in Life :)

School vs Life


Ref - Link

Keep Living!!!

Wandering Life



Speaking Guidelines


  • Quality of ideas
  • Speak / Write / Communication
  • Knowledge, Practice and Talent - (K- 50%,P - 30%,T - 20%)
  • Non-Linear process of learning / success
  • Ideas / Maximum opportunity
  • Speaking parameters, vocal parameters
  • Start with Promise, What they will know at the end of the hour
  • Cycle about the subject / Again and Again
  • The fence around the idea of how its unique
  • Verbal Punctuation
  • Numbers that make sense in talk
  • Understand audience / location / environment
  • Empathetic mirroring 
  • Aware of trends / Ahead of the curve
  • Too many slides / Words
  • Reduce words / Not reading the slides
  • Historical Significance
  • Expression of passion
  • Slogan / Phrase / Symbol
  • Surprise / Appropriate Example

Keep Exploring!!!

Sleep Analysis and Stages


Go Sleeping!!!

Garbage in Garbage Out

  • Cut out on social media
  • Cut on WhatsApp / telegram
  • Switch off mobile on office working hours

Short-term distraction hides long-term goals. Be awake, aware, and focused.

Keep Thinking!!!

Old times are Gold Times

 I still remember Doordarshan days

  • 6 to 9 pm programs
  • Vizhuthugal serial
  • Ethanai manithargal

After 9pm we used to sit and watch the skies. We used to talk, and had a lot of time at least to listen and be next to each other.

With 24hr TV, Youtube, smartphones it has only become useless and meaningless content consumption.

Old is Gold!!!!

Weekend / Time Killers

  • Travel somewhere
  • Try Biryani
  • Do some Shopping
  • Watch Ghost Videos
  • Watch Vlog Videos

Content - content - content, I can't avoid distraction, distraction is easy, the focus is hard. I have to quit all these time killers. They are in no way helping me in my goals/passion.

Keep Thinking!!!

Perfection and Passion

As Steve Maraboli said –

“Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams… countless echoes of ‘could have‘ and ‘should have‘… countless books unwritten… countless songs unsung… I want to live my life so that when my body is laid to rest, it will be a well needed rest from a well-lived life, a song well sung, a book well written, opportunities well explored, and a love well expressed.”

Translating it

"Get good at what you do so that you almost know every bit of it and don't feel it's your work. Love what you do if you can't find your true passion. Be good at anything you do..."

Good Read - Link

Education is rarely about doing. It's mostly about thinking

One day we realize that all this time flew polishing details while the important points, those bringing real value, are not even started.

Stop trying to connect all the dots ahead of time. Embrace uncertainty and start doing.

"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." - Steve Jobs

Keep Going!!!

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"