Good Reads

Good Read - Tips for better life

Key Thoughts

  • History remembers those who got to market first. Getting your creation out into the world is more important than getting it perfect.
  • Discipline is superior to motivation.
  • The best advice is personal and comes from somebody who knows you well.
  • Cultivate a reputation for being dependable
  • Remember that you are dying. 
  • When people’s actions contradict their talk, pay attention! 

Good Read - Porn Literacy in the Digital Age

Key Thoughts

  • Pornography is deeply embedded in the daily lives of today’s youth, who are digital natives.
  • We’d best keep our mouths shut and our ears open, so that we can listen to what they have to say.
Keep Going!!!

Sign off 2020

  • 2020 was a very different year
  • It was challenging both personally and professionally
  • Professionally it was a long stretch to learn/work on time-bound projects
  • Teaching was ok-ok
  • Personally not so well, overall.

A big thank you to everyone with whom I shared my 2020. Apologies for anyone whom I may have hurt. At the end of 2020 in terms of memories are some vague travel moments, work from home always.

Keep Going!!!


It is not about bank balance

It is not about money multiplying with interest

It is not about money for the next few generations

It is not about 'Feeling of I am Safe'

It is not about 'length of life'

You can be happy with what you have or unhappy with all that you gave. Driving on the ghats, Seeing a beautiful sunset, Have a late light tea on a highway are simple things that do not need a lot of money or wealth. Somehow I am out of all this race. Just be in the workforce for some time and starting living life differently.

Maybe the next few years I may spend more time away from the city, the crowd, and people. Time to be with nature.

Keep Going, Build your Journey!!!

Quora Analysis 2020

 Quora also summarized my 2020 contributions

Keep Learning!!!

Search for Life middle of the struggles

I haven't met happiness from

  • Work
  • Life

I don't believe anyone is truly good. We have moments of

  • Lust
  • Jealously
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Patience
  • Vengence

The moment where you can hurt but choose not to hurt is maturity. The moment you know your emotional mind takes a decision than proving your point

Drugs, Alcohol, Sex everything is a form of addiction which needs to be monitored. Guilt vs Shame is big baggage to carry till death. Even if no one knows what guilt we carry will certainly kill us one day.

Keeping low baggage is the only way to feel satisfied within us

Keep Going!!!

Some pics and my thoughts

Few things I remember seeing this
  • Past twenty years almost tea + computer
  • More time spent on work than my personal life
  • Kept climbing without bothering much on health
  • Few things that were always with me was quora, blogging, biryani, sleep, and the internet
  • Addiction to success, vision, belief in things you feel it is good

  • I am my own creator, destroyer
  • Sometimes things awake the destructive and challenging mindset
  • Caught between average vs can I be better
  • Being good vs real good vs pretending good
  • Not being able to really gauge people/life/achievements
  • Fairly happy with life with travel, food. Unhappy on personal front and relationship failures
  • Maybe I am not made for a relationship or my views contradict the general success criteria

  • A long ride, dark night, songs are what represents this picture
  • Best happiness comes from driving alone, listening to songs
  • People scare me, people expectations scare me
  • Soon, will be away from hunger for power, lust, women, Relationships are a burden with mismatched expectations. Is it for lust or for emotions. Emotions powered my perspectives but that broke my beliefs too
  • Virgin vs emotional divorcee vs traumatized search experience everything leads to more scary experiences meeting people

Oh Life, Give me a Break!!!

Random Post

 A relationship is like tissue paper. Once it gets wet due to lust/emotion it will end up in the dust bin.

The sadist part in us

With every rejection our perspective change

With every damage our approach changes

From being innocent, you become aware

From being aware, you become defensive

From being defensive, you become offensive if provoked

Finally, innocence becomes aggression

Many of us started being kind and ended being what we are

Did we meet this person for good or to make us feel bad?

So are there really good people or it's all baked with the same vengence?

Do we lose ourselves as we get old?

Are we cannibalistic to survive in our lives?

Keep Thinking!!

Loneliness vs Love vs Lust

Emotional bonding, understanding, caring are a connect which builds more trust. That would overall awake the inner self to truly go with the person you love. Love indeed may not end with sex but definitely does not limit itself to sex

Lust yes the hidden pleasure that lives in us. It may be a short-lived fantasy. This is not more than stray dogs that meet, mate, and part. Yes, loneliness may end up in lust and lust may end up in disaster in life. 

Loneliness is a great opportunity to travel around without the intent of love or lust. Just go alone see the world. Don't compare, Don't expect.

If it comes, let it come

If it goes, let it go

If it stays, let it stay

If it doesn't come, it's alright

You are your own company

You are your own king

You are your own traveler

In the end, we only regret the mistakes

Let me die with less shame and guilt

Keep Going!!!

Retrospect 2020

  • Core Retail Proposal Recommendations
  • Retail Client Projects
  • Propose Innovative Ideas / POC
  • More and more and more work, No WLB
  • All WFH is only Work
  • Docker, Kubernetes a bit more hands-on
  • Teaching at a slower pace
  • Overall 2X of efforts compared to last year
  • Personal life ended on a very very bad note
  • Need a break from everything but It's only been a wish for a long time
  • Keep coding, Keep learning, Keep Teaching

Keep Learning!!!

Changing Life Priorities

Quit job, Travel more in 2021

Settle in Life or Travel more in life

Teach, Blog but plan to live outdoor life next 5 years

Focus on Health, Cook, Live life differently than the past 20 years

Sit down identify emotional needs and find meaningful solutions

Build weekly goals, daily outcomes both personally and professionally

Be good not just in looks but also in thoughts, habits, focus, and decisions

Keep Going!!!

Claiming yourself back

 Keep Thinking!!!

Introspect and burn thyself

You cannot find the right things in the wrong place

You cannot do the right things with the wrong intentions

Everything is feet away from good vs bad

Being good is also not easy, Being bad is also not easy

Good and bad is a combination of consequence from the situation, impact, and emotional baggage

A silly mistake could be a fire that can burn a forest

A good decision can be a chance to put off the fire

Is it good/bad due to Situations/needs?

Is good/bad driven by emotional, physical needs?

If the face is a reflection of character then how many beautiful faces can we see?

How bad I am and How much good I can be?

What makes bad so bad or drives it to be bad

We look good outside and rotten inside

Sometimes staying away from Laptop, Phone, and driving out is the best decision.

Keep Thinking!!!

Stay Aware, Alert

What you say about yourself can itself be used to target you? Faces, words are not the true colors of a person. The way it works when nothing works shows the true color of compassion and understanding. 

Life teaches a lot from unexpected meeting with people. Keep Going!!!

Part Ways with peace

Some people we meet will take away all the hope of optimism. People have different levels of expectations, thoughts, and behaviors. The true personality reveals when we don't sail in the same level of thoughts. In a way of dealing with rejection, hate is the biggest learning in life. The true mark of respect is based on acceptance, understanding, and being transparent to accept uncomfortable feedback.

Alert, Aware and go on. Never fall for empty promises, self praises.

Pics <> Personality <> Promises

Never trust blindly with emotions

What we represent is not what we are

The bad shows up when the hope ends

Label something for their own is the start of the revelation of personality

Never ever trust someone who claims 100% perfect

Better be single than trying to change yourself for others

Never fall into the emotional trap of someone

Life is better lived alone!!!

Note to Self

Some things can never be forgiven

Some things can never be forgotten

Some things can never be rewritten

Never hurt anyone, Never trust or take things for granted

Interesting reads

The Complete Guide to Effective Reading

  • Transfer the newly acquired intelligence from your working memory
  • Connecting new materials to what we already knew
  • The sum of your mental models - A mental model is a mental, simplified depiction of how something works
  • Build long-term understanding

The Children of Pornhub

“A whole life can be changed because of one little mistake.”

Pornhub was the technology company with the third greatest-impact on society in the 21st century, after Facebook and Google but ahead of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon.

Keep Thinking!!!

30's Partner Search


Keep Going!!!

Good Interesting Dating Observations

 Article - Link

  • Women always get more likes/messages
  • Best looking women had a very high rate of messages
  • 17:1 women's: men's message

Key Lessons to succeed in Dating

  • Demonstrate creativity, intelligence, and a great sense of humor
  • Be totally different from anything she may have received before
  • Show that I’ve read her profile and absorbed facts about her
  • Not be needy!

The last one - 'Not be needy!' is also related to possessiveness. How much to care vs How much to give a good impression.

Learning Approach - ADEPT: Use an Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain-English description, and then a Technical description

Same Applies even in Dating!!!

Marriage perspectives

  • Success in marriage is based on how successful the kids are
  • Everything is part of life happiness, respect, support, care, kindness, romance. Everyone has their ego moment but how soon we forgive or compromise for the best decision is the key.
  • In a way we know what max this person can impact us only after the person leaves us
  • Not everyone who talks well is actually good. Not everyone who is good can express themselves very well. 
  • It's like how to respond to this, How to do self-marketing, Are they for money, How will it work, Mom will reject or will this work :)
  • Very tough to find someone is for money or the right attitude. Now it's like use and throw relationships
  • Good or bad there is an ego internally this girl rejected so the choose a better partner
Keep Thinking!!!

Good vs Bad

Managing the good and bad within us.

  • Clarity
  • Focus, Priorities and Better Plans 
  • Think and Take Meaningful Decision
  • Emotions vs Reality 

Keep Thinking!!!

Life is same patterns

  • Early Life - Good Education, Job, Financial Stability
  • Mid Life - Passion, Startup, Travel
  • 40's - Plan to Retire
  • 50'5 - Plan post Retirement

Life is almost in the Autopilot model, Repeating the same patterns every ten years. It's like running against the next milestone.

  • Education - Job - Home - Car - Marriage - Kids - Job Growth - Raise Kids - Retire
  • Job Sometimes - "George Clooney - "How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams?"
  • Life sometimes - Think of it as filling a jar with eggs. There’s a lot of room in the spaces in between for grains of rice.
  • Sometimes - "What would your life look like if you built it today?"
  • Mindset - "We are all conditioned by the “expectations” of society and our need for recognition."
  • Life - "Now your dreams and expectations are based on what social media algorithms present to you for years."
  • What's up - "‘Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around’"
Keep Going!!!

Good Quotes - Consistency, Persistence and Perseverance

 Good Collection of Quotes from Linkedin threads

Embodied Brilliance is a habit. What we choose to BE...we become.

Excellence isn’t about one victory. It’s about the discipline over years of consistency of pursuing your true potential

Excellence then becomes the by-product of deliberate practice in pursuit of high performance

Executing on an idea vs just thinking about it.  The thought is easy, the journey is difficult and that's what separates a strong team from an average one.

The life long learner is the person with the highest average learning hours consistently over time. 

The gold medalist is the runner with the highest average speed, not the fastest top speed.

Keep Going!!!

Thinking Time - Tips for Better Conversations

Read #1 - Handling Difficult Conversations

  • A solution, a plan or an understanding
  • A plan reorganises the relationship with new boundaries, revised norms, and sets up shared expectations for how the trickiest parts will be navigated.

Read #2 - How to Survive a Critique: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Acknowledge in a straightforward manner, without making elaborate excuses
  • Explaining what you had in mind when you made the work
  • Keep it brief: The more you talk, the less time there is for feedback
  • What do you think is the least successful part of my design—and why? 
  • Where do you think I can make improvements?
  • There are always some mean-spirited individuals
  • “Thanks, I’ll think about all this,” or “I appreciate the input,” encourage people to keep helping you in the future.

Keep Thinking!!!

Social Media Issues

 There are a lot of issues in social media, The primary motive seems to have failed

  • Targeted marketing to influence people
  • Change from Morality to Majority Opinion is right
  • Crowd following mentality
  • Drive more consumeristic / purchase behavior
  • Focus more on lifestyle/luxury than principles/priorities
  • Low or no importance to education
  • Setting up wrong examples
  • Addiction to games/media / fake gurus
  • Commercialize everything, Take away all the time

In a way they have created isolated hotspots, depressed, addicted to smartphones. With cheap internet, they have only screwed their lives further. Targeted apps for each age group. Drive based on their emotional, behavioral needs. 

Keep Questioning!!!

Good vs Bad

To be true to self is the biggest decision. To not give up on a situation is a great strength. Sometimes you have to struggle too long even for things which is easier for the rest. Principles vs Distractions vs Goals vs Tradeoffs. 

Keep going!!!

Few things to Introspect


Keep Thinking!!!

Intern and Fresher Job scams in India

I liked these lists of Fake Internships reviewed by Youtuber Joshua. In a way providing very minimal salary and extracting maximum work is the mantra of the internship.

  • It's impossible to be productive for all 8hours at work
  • Ideas take time, Ideas come from reading, thinking, experimenting
  • Mentoring / Internship is not as much important as Self-learning

Keep Thinking!!!

Productivity, Leadership thoughts

Focus, Attention is the most critical piece of learning. Sometime back had mentioned the same in the context of working on weekends. This link summarizes a similar perspective

Attention, Sustainable productivity is desired are key contributors to it. Few pointers like

  • Switch off Notifications
  • Avoid Smartphone usage
  • Neat Working Environment
  • Organize work / prioritize it

Another vital link that hit me is spotting Destructive Leaders

I have come across instances / felt those tactics.

  • Stagnant with fixed perspectives
  • Dominant my way or no way
  • Micromanagement
  • Fabricating beyond the actual issue

Somethings which are blatant and visible are

  • Automatically dismiss ideas from others
  • External image is unusually extreme in some way
  • Unapologetic self-promoting and self-aggrandizing
  • A belief that they are the heroic warrior who will save the weak
  • Creating impossible standards that no one can reach
To grow both in Life / Career we need to be consistently productive in the long run as well as spot the right leaders we work with. 

Keep Thinking!!!

Define the 'Self'

You can never be happy being a people pleaser, You will eventually end up losing yourself for meeting people's expectations. Job, family, friends everything plays a role in life. Success is a perspective, Living life on your own terms, Building your version of a meaningful life. 

This note resonates with some of the mindset, A mindset to keep chasing things or long for things you don't really need. Find the life between selfishness vs selflessness, Build your own perspectives, goals, and work towards that definition. In the end, we only remember the experience, failures. Be perfectly imperfect to build a better version of yourself.

Keep Going!!!

Mid point - Optimism

If you are too close - its possessiveness, If you are too far - you are ignoring

If you expect too much - its anticipation, If you don't expect its a surprise

If you don't plan it may be chaotic, If you plan you will be organized

Embrace uncertainty, Embrace its a marathon not a milestone

Every journey has its own unique aspects, satisfying moments of learning

In the end its a slow realization of a dream of learning, living and loving

Smile and Keep Going!!!

Learning is a Marathon

 Career has to be redefined

  • Skills in 20's - Without Domain Knowledge
  • Skills in 30's - With Domain Knowledge + Innovation
  • Skills in 40's - Domain Knowledge + Tech Skills + Vision + Innovation

Different phases of life put us on different learning tracks. And everything that happens has the right reason associated with it.

Initially, I regretted not doing masters in the '20s. But now I cherish it was sensible, relevant, and impactful doing it in the 30s.

Anything that happened late turned out only as a better decision.

Keep Going!!!

Good Analysis - Indian Education System

Read Anbazhagan's answer to Why did the Indian education system fail compared to the global universities and colleges? on Quora


Keep Thinking!!!

Education in Japan


Nice video with great insights on their teaching methodology
  • School Farm inside the school
  • School Kitchen
  • Recycling waste
  • Teamwork, Self Service

Keep Thinking!!!

What a Week ?

 Thursday evening My mom called me for dinner @ 9PM. I had dinner @ 12.30AM. Life is in a high-speed zone for the last couple of months. Whatever I took a time of 2 years in my past role I surpassed it in a few months. There is a ton of effort / aggressive schedules and a lot of learning moments. 

I was telling my mom to convert my room as a 'Jail Cell' and give food. I hardly step out or take any break. It's like a hurry all the time. I am not used to such stuff. For me, learning is patience, curiosity, and experiments. Maybe this prepares me better for the next level.

Life goes fast, faster. 

What I am missing overall, My personal Life :(

Why do I write, I like writing the thoughts that run in my mind.

Good Read - Link

Keep Thinking!!!

Regrets and Mistakes are Memories Made

Dream Life-Long drive, Tension-free consulting work, Simple Family

Current Life - In front of PC, Hectic Life, 24 x 7 What Next

Sometimes we look at the past to reflect some memories and forget the pressure in the present. The mind wanders to search for little things of happiness in the past. It's a never-ending race on time vs money vs health. I am not sure If I ever settle down or just keep running forever and forever.

Keep Thinking!!!


There are different kinds of disabilities people have

  • Physical Disabilities - the ones you can spot which are actually not disabilities but differently-abled people
  • Mental Disabilities - Depression, Addiction, Alcoholism things we create due to our habits
  • Perception Disabilities - This is one more new category I added. Man-made caste / astrology. The belief that these can be generalized this way. Knowledge-based on looks, not on thinking. A lot of stupid people and the media portray the wrong people as the right people.

Long for a sound mind and healthy body. Be of some use to mankind as a teacher, writer, blogger, make a positive impact, source of optimism. You do not need to live the way the world expects you to be. You need to live the way you feel you can leave something useful for the world.

Stop following the crowd!! Keep Thinking!!!

Faults Vs Praise

We all have both good things, things to correct. Our tendency has become more receptive to praise and defend for criticism. We all have good and bad in us. The areas of it and the percentage of it decides the impact on our decisions. Intentions vs Actions are a key, A selfish intention may have a selfless action. It is a game against What I am true vs What I want to be seen as. 

It's better to be as we are than projecting us a 'Holy Spirits' or 'Devils'. In a way, we tend to live the life of our free will. Are we really free is a debatable topic. 

Everything is a measure of what we do and what we receive. What we sow so we reap. To be better in the future, think about finding the right places, the right people, the right mindset. Never keep living in the past. The past is a place not to be looked up for regret but to be remembered for lessons.

Take lessons from the darkest past, Work for the brightest future 

Take lessons from failed past, Work for the most successful future

Take lessons from the lost past, Work for the most promising future 

Lose your ego, Love your trails, build your passion and kindness

Long for credits when you fail

Share the credits when you succeed

God lives in ordinary men who struggle to make ends meet

Keep Going!!!

Climbing up the Knowledge Ladder

Sometimes you need a break to figure out your priorities, passion, and dreams. The toughest and painful days of my life gave me many breaking moments, but passing through those moments is the most memorable thing. When you see your ideas making money you believe your technology vision and business acumen are able to predict the future. 

Teaching is a fulfilling moment of connected the dots of technology progress, products, and solutions that evolved during this period. 

I am working on technology which I never thought or worked on 17 years back. Our priorities change, the technology landscape evolves, learning continues. Keep connecting the dots and connect like-minded people. 

Be Empathetic and focus on the greater good to make a dent towards quality education. You should be remembered for your unique way of teaching, connecting the dots, making it more of a solving solution, and building better products than just writing pieces of code.

Keep Going!!!

Journey of Trust

 What belong's to you will come to you at the right time however long you keep looking for it

What doesn't belong to you will leave anytime when its time is over with you

What comes easy won't last long

What last's long won't come easy

Sometimes failures build bonds and success breaks bonds

Every new change is a new direction of next level of self

Every new experience opens the door for a brighter tomorrow

Keep running towards the Goal

Keep Shining!!!

Learning Moments vs Education (MCQ Exams)

The main reason for the failure of education is it doesn't help you to improve problem-solving, coding. End-of-day programming is the same as any other profession driving, carpentry, welding, etc. To be good at something we need to have a good hold on our job. 

  • How many similar problems have I solved? 
  • How many perspectives I can think of to solve this problem?
  • What related learning's I can look for solving this problem?

We all need jobs, money for survival. Either do what you love or get better at what you are doing. The hype of knowledge or thinking is nothing but a lot of effort put behind the screens to achieve that expertise level.

This education system of marks does not solve the ultimate goal of education but rather teaching the right thing in the wrong way. A lot of motivational videos I see these days. In the end, we need to break ourselves to find the learning moment, life-changing failures.

  • There is life before and after professional failure
  • There is life before and after failed relationships
  • There is life before and after betrayal

To earn money, you need to focus on

  • What jobs yield what amount of income
  • Which jobs align with my interests
  • Which jobs align with my financial needs
  • Which leads I need to purse
  • Where do I find mentors
  • What edge I need to build up to face my competition

Everyone will have their day of success. You need to have your own pace, speed to get to that successful moment.

Define success in different dimensions - passion, money, satisfaction. We live in a competitive and corrosive environment. Focus, Consistent Efforts, and Patience are key, The doors of success need the right strategy, patience, and right priorities in life.

Keep Learning!!!

Education vs Poverty vs Empowerment vs Capitalism

For industries, we need resources, cheap labor supply. Think about being poor, getting the required education, and focusing the next generation to get into white-collar jobs.

Poor needs to look beyond freebies, understand different challenges, and focus on continuous small improvements to attain the goal. 

As long as there is a good imbalance it will help both the rich and the poor. Some generations will remain forever in the labor market. This boils down to the kind of jobs, innovation, and what value we generate for the world. Gone are the days of the industrial revolution. We are in the age of Industrial Intelligence, Robotics, Smart Devices.

This needs quality education, good fundamentals, broader focus, fine level of innovation to succeed. Unless we focus on a good level of education, experimental and creative next generation we will end up losing the next generation jobs.

Keep Thinking!!!

Fixing the Education System

 The future of education/knowledge is not going to be based on remembering facts/numbers/stats. What more value addition difference we are going to make that a simple google search can outperform the number of facts we are remembering. 

We need to teach kids what minimum they need to do to clear the current education system and then do things that will really help them to do something meaningful in life. My facts echo below tweets/slides I picked up from my reads.

The education system needs to be focused on developing below skills for kids/adults. We need more experimenters/innovators / empathetic thinkers who can make the world level up the imbalances

Teachers need to be the best set of motivated passionate individuals. We need to reset the current system of number/grade focused teachers.

Kids today can question/interpret a lot of facts that are shared. Teachers need to be more empathetic to teach than just delivering facts.

Games / Bully / Smartphone Addiction are serious issues that need to help them understand the importance of mental health.

This is my favorite tweet. Use the young brains to find big breakthroughs not clearing NEET / JEE / useless MCQ Exams

Few more interesting tweets


A unique example of concentration and balance, superb activity for children's. from r/motivation

Keep Thinking, Keep Experimenting!!!

Value of people we Live with

For a week, I went out to Bangalore to clean up the mess. In 6 months

  • Pillow, Kitchen, Rotten vegetables, Dust made the house a mess
  • Rain / Winds made the balcony almost muddy

With Corona around, you have no way to try to be cautious every time you go out for Tea, Food. It made me realize how much my mom is taking care of me. In a way whatever happened in life is a blessing. 

Lockdown was helpful

  • Expenses are minimalistic
  • Avoided 6 months of commute chaos
  • When I cleaned up my place there was a lot of iodex, volini, Amrutanjan. The commute had given me back pain for long
  • Nearing 40 in a way this home food helped me to get back in health from all outside food for 20 years
  • Sometimes I did have some differences with my mom, Overall I guess it was positive

A trip to clean up home in Bangalore made me realize the comfort I had been living past 6 months.

Keep Going!!!

New Age Work Rules

These are my plans

3 months - Work on Ideas
3 months - Travel
3 months - Spend for your family
3 months - upskill on next set of skills

Hopefully, I get into this mode soon!!!

Learn as fun, Not as pressure, Keep Learning!!!

My perspective - Why Understanding beats Knowledge

Loved this article 

What we do in IT today?
  • Learn Quickly
  • Put pieces of code from Github / Google Search
  • Functionality up and running
What I try to do?
  • Understand Why you do?
  • How it is different from what I already know?
  • Pick simple samples?
  • Is there a way to solve it in my own way?
  • Understand / Learn / Experiment
Keep Thinking!!!


Stay Kind!!!

Be a Gentleman

It's a tough fight between two sides of the coin, Good Vs Bad, Selfishness vs Selflessness. Being true to yourself and accumulating less guilt is a way for a peaceful life.

Everything will come back to you good/bad. Choose kindness, peace, optimism.


Stay Kind!!!

How to stay 'forever employable' - Embracing Uncertainty!!!

My views on Article 

  • Embrace entrepreneurialism - Trainer, MVP, Product Ideation-Creation
  • Develop self-confidence - Do something selfless automatically it will boost your mindset
  • Learn continuously - Express, Teach and Connect in the most simple form
  • Improve constantly - Logics / Ideas will refine over a period of time, Keep Simplifying it and connecting it to known ideas
  • Reinvent - As you start doing the above things you can create your own path to move your 'name' as your 'brand' presents itself.
Have multiple avenues of income / diverse sources of income. You never know which bank/share is going to crash. Keeping a diverse fund is going to help in times of financial crunch.

Embracing Uncertainty!!!

My School days

I am running from shadow to shadow to avoid the noon sunlight, I run fast when the sun catches me and walk slowly under the shadows of trees.

We usually have this from 12.30PM to 1.30PM. This is like a Marathon. 12.45PM to reach home. 1.05PM leave for school. In this 20 mins marathon finish lunch quickly and catch a glimpse of serial 'Varisu'.

I kept running this marathon till my 10th standard :). It was memorable. This is my School.

Happy Memories!!!

Manipulative media / Money

The media / expert opinions on how many of us think it is unbiased? neutral? 
Why do opinions are conveyed from emotions? Not from Data Perspectives?
Do we report everything that happens or that's convenient?
How does the elite manage to evade the law?
Does a poor, uneducated person get the same treatment as educated, elite visiting hospitals, banks, making a complaint?
Do we build policies considering the consequences in the long run? How are we on par with the policies of japan / Finland / Sweden?
Is our goal to innovate at scale or innovate for the elite ? 
Why we have been only exporting working not innovating anything? 

Education when it is denied it will result in bigger catastrophic economic imbalances. Hope we focus on fundamentals.

Flip Side of perspectives

What looks happy today may not be happy when we look back after sometime
What looks painful today may be a new lesson for tomorrow
What is painful today may lead to a beautiful beginning
Emotions are endless waves that keep hitting the shores day and night
We can never calm the sea, nor our emotions, We need to sail deep through the sea to find our true self
In the end, everything that kills you makes you feel alive!!!

The stupidity / complexity of MCQ

Let's take an example. In a certain implementation, we have this definition 'Process A is applied, After that Process B is applied, we obtain the end result'

The Multiple Choice answers would be like

  • Process A, followed by B
  • Process B, followed by A
  • A, B work in parallel
  • A, B are independent process

When we are doing something practically we will remember it from steps, end results. This step/sequence will be implied learning. With the MCQ this becomes more of remember, memorize, recall, attention-based learning.
Because of this type of question only our 'Engineers lack creativity', 'Doctors lack empathy'.
Exams must be a measure of applied knowledge not memorized knowledge. It is a sad state with all the level of entrance exams designed to kill curiosity and experimentation.
This kind of system only makes us incompetent at a global level. Remember why we are not able to create Tesla / innovate at par with China.

Keep Thinking!!!

Tax Burden

I feel tax on bank balances is a burden, I am not really sure the benefits we have during a job loss. Again no secondary sources of income, this is tax heavy. I didn't like the part of taking even the bank balances. This seems so weird. How much of indirect taxes go every day for Food, Diesel, Toll, TDS from salary. Still, on top of it, we need to pay a lot more.

Not sure how to sustain this in the long run!!!

50% Life

Personally, I have hit a rock bottom. I have 50% of my Life for a Larger Purpose. That's the only thing that drives me to keep doing things. In a way, everything appears like a mirage, illusion.

Life is so tough for the poor, daily wage workers, how many people are living with an empty stomach, unable to afford quality education. In a way, the corona has taken a toll on a lot of middle class.

Education policies, exams have taken away a lot of jobs from the middle class, migrants, and people living near Below Poverty Life. How many of them can afford quality education to clear NEET, JEE, CAT? In a way the elite folks will only emerge from affordable families who can economically afford, educated, and able to coach their kids on top of their education.

These policies divide the gap between rich/poor as well as their future generations too. 

In a way the possibility of a kid studying in remote parts of the country getting top 1% in gate/cat/neet impossible with all the systems we have built and made things impossible for the poor and needy.

Hunger and the unstable environment will turn them into daily workers. I feel this pic summarizes the state of society

One way to think life is to be selfish and stay blind to things that happen around us. Another way is to think about what changes the system needs to make it more accessible for the needy.

In a way, we are selfish and stay blind. We didn't progress because we didn't work together. The disease of divisions in name of race, caste has done more harm than any good.

Affordable families can buy educational and start training kids at very early stages. This again shows the impact of finance on education. Equality and Equal competition will not be there. This early education will help them be creative, experimental with personalized learning but sadly this is not available for everyone!!!

Keep Thinking!!!

Job Change

A job change is not about the duration of employment. It is more about are you able to do what you want to do. You can do only certain things being a copilot. Only a pilot can steer in the right direction. No matter how much you are technically equipped you need to be in the pilot seat to take control of bold initiatives.

Keep Going!!!

Being unhappy is a sign of focus

Whenever I'm unhappy I don't care about thinking twice conveying my points. In a way, many failures pushed me beyond my comfort zone. I also fear this makes me more of an outlier. I keep chasing newer goals, some more milestones losing focus on everything else in life. I keep learning, learning not sure if I had this level of focus even during school days. Passing an exam is not the criteria. Building your portfolio and knowledge to the roots. Taking a deep perspective and having clarity over your solutions in various dimensions matters.

Go on, Keep Going, Chase the world, Ignite the knowledge and curiosity!!!

Ten wishes in coming months

  1. Be a good teacher
  2. Learn selectively, deep dive
  3. Stay patient, pay attention to detail
  4. Settle down with the right mindset
  5. Separate time vs passion. Don't be bound to do without passion
  6. Travel more be open
  7. Engage in meaningful and thoughtful reading
  8. Sleep more, stay quiet and read more
  9. Focus, focus, focus
  10. Build your portfolio 

Keep Going!!!

Mindset of winning

Everyone is a motivational guru, love guru, spiritual guru. I kept searching for the definition of completeness all over to finally figure out everything in my own experiences. To live a meaningful life you need to have clarity of your priorities, plan, and reasonable knowledge and data-driven insights. Competitiveness is defined by working where you deliver your best and set your bar to the next best level. Money is not a success. Mindset is the root cause of success/satisfaction. Not every success is defined by money. In a way a constant search for knowledge, doing things in larger interests, drawing the line between selfishness and selflessness is what defines a winner of life. Before we become ashes and worms we need to be of some use for mankind and nature. 

Live consciously!!!

Thinking about Life

Sometimes life is just sit down, relax, observe, and do nothing. Do little things with great attention. Never be in control of anything in Life. Let it all go, be happy with learning, experimenting, and traveling.

For property there is GST
For Gold there is GST
For Salary there is Tax
For learning/knowledge there is no Tax

At least to survive in this world you need to be smart enough to have good health, an emotionally balanced mindset, and a good learning acumen.

Life is simple, Live Well!!!

Smile and Part Ways

I saw you, I recognized. I know your eyes also connected. All the memories were coming in front of my eyes. A quick thought I understood its a 'History'. I 'smiled' and left the place with a polite gesture. Somethings are best conveyed with 'Smiles'. The moment made me happy because life is busy going on with the people we care for. We cannot repair every bridge we lost/got lost. This was a dream but the dream was beautiful.

Everything in life moves on with Optimism and Hope.

Keep Smiling!!!

How to balance life vs job

  • Fixing time slots
  • switching before you burn out
  • Taking care of people
  • Hijack to other perspectives
  • Keep optimism part of everything
  • Reject Negativity and Pessimism
  • Be creative, Be Curious
  • Be open emotionally and personally
  • Don't fake your thoughts, be open to sharing your perspectives without hurting/debating, Look from the listener perspective

Keep Building!!!

Warrior or Worrier?

Warrior mindset

  • Win or lose you learn
  • Smile for failure, humble for success
  • Forgive and move on
  • Keep optimism as a source of motivation
  • Enjoy every passing moment
  • keep everyone smiling in your circle

Worrying mindset is the opposite aspect of it, Anyway, we know what it looks like :)

Keep going!!!

How not to over work ?

Be clear on what you want to accomplish?
More than random work, be clear on the path ?
Build your perspective on areas to explore, experiment?
Have a mindmap on to-do and timeline?
Break every 20 mins and wash your face?
Take a short walk?
Think about sharing perspectives?
Divert and learn different subject
Compare against yourself, You are your own competitor and buddy

Enjoy your work to deliver Quality Work!!!

Passing Clouds

Some seasonal people we meet we assume they are lifetime connections
Some people disappear when their dependencies are over
Some people disappear when we can't do any further favor
Some people just connect with you to share perspectives
Some people connect with you to find where you are and compare against their levels
Some people connect with you to lower your morale
Some people connect with you just for their advantages
Everything will disappear at some point in time
Be alone in your Journey, You are not meant to offload yourself on anyone
Keep Going!!!

Connected things in Life

This circle is the hardest thing to balance, understand and implement :)

Keep Thinking!!


Maturity is taking a stab and not giving it back
Maturity is kindness
Maturity is forgiveness
Maturity is compassion
Maturity is caring
Maturity is knowing when to leave
Maturity is knowing when not to hurt
Maturity is understanding that pain is necessary
Maturity is not giving back the pain you endured because of them

We all evolve and become a better version of ourselves. Surviving pain makes you stronger, bolder, and move further.

Sometimes silence and smile are the best answers in Life!!!

Keep Going!!!

Happy Memories

Some days look beautiful even if those days won't come back
It was mad, crazy with all the happiness
It was beautiful with the understanding
It was disciplined with the respect
It was respectful with all the care
Somehow anger, mistrust took it to turn
Some bad days just took away all the happiness
It took me so many months, sleepless nights to understand, accept, move on
We never leave people whom we cared, we only think about them in silence
Silence is beautiful, We all care for each other. 

Keep Going!!!

Babies to Birds

In the last few days how few babies quickly had grown into birds

Happy Flying!!!

Priorities of Life

Sometimes death scares me, aging scares me. I am scared to see a lot of white hairs and aging of my mom. As a son, I doubt if I have lived up to her expectations, I regret not being able to make her wishes come true. In one way I feel personally I am a bit late on the personal aspects of life. Another way, I fear for the loss of people around me, I remember during my childhood fearing for death, what will happen? Whenever I come across something I used to correlate and feel scared.
We can have a disagreement, but we can’t hate anyone. We can fight but we can’t forget. Everything calms down settles after some time. Looking back some normal days look beautiful today as those days won’t come back again.

I am not sure how the running for living, living in present, finding a family, and living in peace all of them come together well. Probably it's my inability to balance I remained single till date 😊
Death is inevitable, what all can I do before my end day. Am I happy or achieved something as of today?

What best I can do from my end for free education, optimism, positivity, dent for a change
Keep Thinking!!!

The Creative Guru – My Mom

I am amazed by my Mom’s creativity and providing a newer perspective to designing things at home, changing furniture, the screen, color choices. I am mostly like
  • Think what’s pending @ work
  • Next steps for progress on a to-do list
  • Stick to Late night NatGeo (Banged Up Abroad, Air Crash Investigation)
Life has been monotonous like a zoo animal. Code – Eat – TV – Sleep. I feel sleepless whenever I think of things that are going on. Social perspective what to do next, free teaching was to step up the game. When to quit this system and run away and live my life. The fight club movie poster runs in my mind right now 😊

Keep Thinking!!!

Empty promises

You promised me a lifetime but left in a few months
You took all my time only to occupy my mind and life and dump me altogether
Your words were sweet and actions were silent
I wondered how this silence was an accomplice in crime
And those memories are lingering in my mind
It's all different faces of people we see before they exhaust our energy and time 

Keep Going, Stay Focused!!!


Forgiveness is kindness
Forgiveness is maturity
Forgiveness is peace
Forgiveness is love
Forgiveness is beauty
Forgiveness is compassion
Forgiveness is attitude 

Living in the dreamland

I was driving through the ghat section. It was lush green and the view was fantastic. I stopped near a hairpin bend to get a glimpse of clouds and mountains. She stepped out and looked at clouds and said a very nice view. I smiled and looked back I drove all way long to see this point of view. Maybe this what happiness means. I felt may the rough patches and mountains I crossed were all my previous failures. I thought of this when I saw the viewpoint. I was alone looking at the clouds and lost myself in this dream of someone next to me. Yea it's an imagination yet something that I wish it could have happened or will happen in near future.

Keep going!!!


Few things that come up often these days in news channels are
  • Child abuse
  • Violence against women
  • Suicides
Child abuse - People in close family circles, neighbors, familiar circles are the offenders, Even kids of 14~16years. How self-critical are we about sex education. What awareness have we created? With a lot of digital access, it becomes even easier to misinterpret/fall prey to lust. 

Morality - Does morality mean all limits are only within my family? Why don't I see them as my siblings/child as a child? This related to upbringing, Everything is part of life. Why shy away from talking about Sex and then be silent towards these crimes. Its time to talk about what we need to correct than assuming all is well.

What we can't do for our near and dear ones we should not do it for any stranger
Do the right thing even if no one is watching

Violence against women - This is a cascade effect of unemployment, job loss, financial crisis leads to dowry demands, crisis in relationships. How the economy is built fundamentally reflects the failures. The mindset to live with perspectives of planning, learning, saving is not there. We are prone to celebrations, showoffs, debts, and living for the sake of society. 

Suicides - Everything has become instant. Changing relationships, Changing principles. Emotional maturity, handling failures/rejections, and resilient mindset seem absent among the masses. Life does not become secure with wealth. Life becomes secure with the right mindset and attitude. 

I know I am imperfect, I am correcting myself. I will keep correcting until my last moment of Life. Stay Kind, Stay Curious!!!

Mindset - I can employ child labor as it does not affect my children. They have to work because they can't afford education
Problem - You cannot go far if you go alone. What if a doctor dies inside a child unable to afford education

Mindset - I studied, I am rich. I can afford it. His karma makes him be in Poverty
Problem - With Equal opportunities in education, we can afford to empower, uplift people. Poverty reflects the failure of the system.

Mindset - These people have no values, their upbringing is bad
Problem - Alcoholic, Dropouts reflect the poor system. The current system that fosters the best and uproots the under-privileged results in a widening gap of skillsets, employability

Mindset - Everything is in accordance with the law, We follow the law
Problem - Law of humanity is more important than the law of land. Nature has a way to balance inequality in due course.

Mindset - We are easy to judge than thinking about fellow people
Problem - Everything boils down to morality, don't tag it with religion

Mindset - I am a mute spectator, I don't need to worry about it
Problem - We have to grow together or perish together, We need a system that helps peaceful coexistence

All Pics Source - Pinterest

Hope we recognize our flaws and start correcting them!!!

How do you evaluate your Leader

  • How much they know about the history of people?
  • What is their view of economy vs social inclusiveness?
  • How do they plan to eliminate poverty? What is their view? What are the best practices they have observed or emulated from other examples?
  • How is their knowledge with respect to economic prosperity vs social prosperity?
  • How do they see education at the grassroots?
  • How self-critical are they? How much of actions vs results match?
  • How do you access yourself vs your achievements?
  • What is their Lifestyle, How does it reflect their beliefs?
  • How empathetic they are, How they connect with people without Digital Media?
  • What is their created PR picture vs actual personal traits?
  • What data points you have to access their actual competency?
  • How much they can independently connect with intellectuals, advisors, economists
  • You cannot create a vision if you haven't traveled the path of  learning, compassion, empathy, kindness, and inclusiveness
  • How much are we comfortable to accept the truth, A society that drifts away from the truth will drift away from values. 
  • Good leaders don't need PR, education, advertisements. Their values are shown in results. They see the good for tomorrow. They see the need for equality, empowerment, and development.
  • How much they are ready for an Open Debate, Leaders who read papers are paupers of knowledge 
  • The pen is mightier than a sword, Education will give awareness that violence cannot provide
To create your new identity, find leaders you need to be data-driven. You need to find your own knowledge to find the truth.

Leadership is a position of kindness and compassion. Being self-critical means I am accountable for everything that hurts my people. It is impossible to celebrate achievements because it requires a billion dreams, developing talent, working tirelessly. Everything that works comes after a lot of effort, today in the digital world everything is captured. The future will always have to reflect current achievements vs reality impact.

Keep Thinking!!!

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"