Startups vs Markets vs Economic Prospects

Let's consider the startups
  • OLA
  • Uber
  • Swiggy
  • Zomato
Their markets are rental cabs, food delivery, online products purchase. Their customer base is upper middle class, 20-30 Age groups, IT hubs, White-collar employees. There would be majorly employments across delivery, driving partners, delivery boys etc. Assume as of today they employ 500K (Total driver plus delivery partners). These 500K people would make an average of 30-35K per month. This is very good considering their starting salary and jobs.

What is the innovation involved here?
Does this business continue to drive growth in industrial activity?
Manufacturing etc. Its a basic supply-demand in Food Sales.
The profits and hoteliers' benefits can continue for another few years?
Can the customer afford to buy without the discounts?
What is the actual projected delivery after all the discounts are removed?

In the long term, what skills does it add to the employees? Will it improve their skills to innovate or create anything?

We need more startups that can generate skilled labor, low-cost innovation, areas of smart farming, smart irrigation, renewable energy sources like solar panels, wind panels. Startups are definitely good but again what jobs we are going to generate? How are we going to provide balanced growth of ecology, economy, employment we need to work on

Keep Thinking!!!


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