My Story #8 - Failing in my First Hindi Elocution Competition

This is another interesting situation. I was trying hard catching up with Hindi. We had a neighbor few houses away from north. He was a sub-inspector. My mom wanted me to learn Hindi so she sent me for tuition. I took up tuition and wanted to participate in Hindi Elocution.

This was the same old story. The greedy owner and the golden egg-laying duck. This was when I was studying the 7th. I happily memorized every single word and the complete paragraphs.

I go to the competition. Like a stream of flowing water without any highs and lows, I vomit the contents. Obviously, the dumbest way to present in elocution competition.

The judging teacher I remember was a lady teacher. She knew this guy is saying without knowing the words. Then she asked me to explain it. At least I should have been smart enough to tell the story. I was just silent and blinked my eyes :).

You will know now what I would have won. Nothing :)

This was a flawed strategy but I did catch up on this to won few prizes before I went to 10th standard.

Everything is now a memory to remember a laugh a little :). Poorly executed strategies :)

Happy Reading!!!


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