Strategy for Sucess

Learning Strategy
The ingredients of knowledge are learning, reading, writing, communication, experimentation, and presentation. With this constant distraction, I always feel keypads and pre WhatsApp era better than the current generation of real-time messaging. From attention, it has become a life of distractions. With this pace of difference, we may slowly lose fundamentals and thinking aspects and will end up as one click machines.

Emotional Wellness - Growth Oriented Mindset
Analyze and evaluate your activities and thoughts. Gone are days to retrospect as year-end or promises to fulfill. Working backward goals should reflect in thoughts, planning, habits. Every day and every moment class contributes delta to the larger goal. Load your memory with thoughts that propel towards the end goal. Your emotion is also like a weapon. As long as you don't pick your right emotions you cannot move in the right direction. Timebox and retrospect every single moment.

Keep going!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"