Some pics and my thoughts

Few things I remember seeing this
  • Past twenty years almost tea + computer
  • More time spent on work than my personal life
  • Kept climbing without bothering much on health
  • Few things that were always with me was quora, blogging, biryani, sleep, and the internet
  • Addiction to success, vision, belief in things you feel it is good

  • I am my own creator, destroyer
  • Sometimes things awake the destructive and challenging mindset
  • Caught between average vs can I be better
  • Being good vs real good vs pretending good
  • Not being able to really gauge people/life/achievements
  • Fairly happy with life with travel, food. Unhappy on personal front and relationship failures
  • Maybe I am not made for a relationship or my views contradict the general success criteria

  • A long ride, dark night, songs are what represents this picture
  • Best happiness comes from driving alone, listening to songs
  • People scare me, people expectations scare me
  • Soon, will be away from hunger for power, lust, women, Relationships are a burden with mismatched expectations. Is it for lust or for emotions. Emotions powered my perspectives but that broke my beliefs too
  • Virgin vs emotional divorcee vs traumatized search experience everything leads to more scary experiences meeting people

Oh Life, Give me a Break!!!


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