Emotional Wellness - Day #39 - Become the next version for past to disappear

I don't believe in time heals everything. Its an incomplete statement understood in a wrong way. A wound does not heal without medication and care. An emotional trauma does not heal without lessons and changes in mindset.

You detail out, Understand and work hard to become the next version of yourself. In that situation, the past disappears from your imagination and reality. The mind keeps the emotional pain until you heal it, strengthen it. Detail every single aspect of thought, act to understand more on what situations remind of you of the past, focusing on lessons, changing habits, thoughts, focus and working towards a better version of self.

It's easy to say 'Mastery of Self' but the real challenge is the process and progress towards it during the time of difficulties. Well done is better than well said. The uncertainties and the pain often leave us with the strength and focus to climb up and handle tougher battles in life.

Celebrate Failures, Celebrate the days you struggled for what you have reached today.

The most beautiful thing is a kind heart and a peaceful self.

Keep Going!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"