- The path for finding passion is way more complicated in reality
- Force yourself to learn skills as there are no-pre existing passions
- Matching your work to interest cannot give a satisfying career
- Autonomy in Life + Impact on World = Chose that Career
- General Lifestyle traits = Respect, Creative, Time, Schedule to Think
- Career has given general traits than Jobs
- Build rare and valuable skills from Lifestyle traits
- Increase career capital to continue to work enjoying more
- Do with an absolute limit of ability
- Do what people do not what people say
- Pre-existing passion leads to deliberate practice, Feel strongly about it from the snowball effect
- Build skill acquisition when you like the field, milestones for accomplishment for more motivation
- Expert level 10000hrs performance
- Deliberate practice - Surgeons do, For knowledge workers few hundred systematic hours
- Exposure to stars in the field - follow them. Don't be blind in the field
"Solving unsolvable problems in long run"
Get good at what you do, Build your career capital, become an expert in it!!!