Ride Sharing - Lessons

Today I got a ride to work. He was in the Late 20s driving past 13 years. He was aggressive, fast, alert driver. Alongside he was watching Telugu tv programs, sharing his experience. 

Riding for many years makes them quick to decide, overtake, take the risky overtaking that novice drivers would avoid.

The same applies in Coding, Life. Some coding and learning we do today might simplify reduce our time for future projects which we do. 

Today's emotional problems, the loss makes us prepared to address similar issues for our family, friends. Pain makes you stronger, Experiments give you experience and experience gives you wisdom. Learn from the Experience of Life. Come out of the comfort zone, accept this life as a blessing, accept the failures with an open heart, Optimism on failure, reality over emotions, do not glorify failures, Simplify them into lessons.

For every negative emotion, we face there is a positive signal present in the emotion. Learn to extract the signal of optimism. This damaged life with experiments might turn into a lesson for like-minded people. 

Love Life, Learn Everyday, Code every day, Have an emotionally happy life...

Happy Life!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"