Life and Little Boy Conversations - Hurt

[Little Boy]- I made a mistake hurt someone, Equally, I felt they also made some mistakes
[Life]- Don't equate mistakes, Fix things from your end

[Little Boy]- How do I know if they recognize their mistake
[Life]- What goes around will come around. You reap for what you sowed, Don't wait to see someone's life

[Little Boy]- Anger doesn't go away quickly
[Life]- Anger is a form of Depression too

[Little Boy]-Why do people then hurt someone and pretend innocent
[Life]-You don't know the other side of the struggling person. What burns me inside will make me hurt others too, You are blessed to know people and be kind to them

[Little Boy]-Same I felt only that empathetic mindset screwed me
[Life]- You have been through all this and you will be an inspiration

[Little Boy]- Thanks Life, Thanks for making me kinder, a better person, I am still waiting for the good person in my life
[Life] - You will meet them soon

Keep Going!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"