Day #61 - Loneliness, Goals and Retrospection

The days when I felt bad I spent time making others Life better
The days I felt good, I spent time on things I am passionate about
In either way, I want to leave the world with the best possible memories and lessons

You will never be lonely if you are kind, empathetic and have a personal or social cause in Life.

Create beautiful memories from all happy, sad, challenging moments of life

Some people will leave you to regret years later
Some people will regret underestimating the limits of your perseverance and commitment
Some people will not see the kindness and passion but they will label you as a workaholic
Some people will rate you at their levels of imagination
Some people will run over your visibility for their advantage
Skill and Persistence will overrun visibility aspects in the long run
For the world runs on the shoulders of people who carry kindness and love
I am certain I will make an impact on making education easier, understandable and make a difference with AI for social cause soon

Keep Going!!!


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