Selfish or Selfless or Suicide

Let's explore closely what could run in a person's mind, How you need to interpret things

  1. What we do depends a lot on the environment
  2. Habits and addictions are outcomes of people, environment, things we are used to
  3. Wrong people, wrong habits will cascade and impact your mind
  4. Habits easy to adopt hard to give up
  5. External looks vs internal cleanup need to be regular
  6. Becoming bad is easy, Staying as you are is difficult
  7. Lust, greed, jealousy are hard to spot but they poison your mind, body, and soul
  8. A mistake done a few times becomes habits 
  9. Justifying everyone does mistakes does not clear our sins
  10. Abused vs Abuser is a cycle, The system will spoil as the pattern continues
  11. Everything can be tweaked for convenience and comfort
  12. Morally right vs Truthfully right vs no evil intentions cannot measure
  13. Life rewards for every bad and good deed, there is no one thread
  14. When someone commits suicide it leaves everyone around him to suffer
  15. Smartphones are essentially slow poison, Human mind is trained for addiction
  16. Good or bad addiction, Travel vs Lust, Read vs Greed, Self-content vs Comparison everything starts with a thought and leads to habits
  17. The dark side of what you know your evilness vs what you are trying to kill within you vs What you are evolving
  18. Anger breeds hate lust breeds addiction.
  19. Good Addiction vs Bad Addiction vs Poisonous addiction, Know your lines
  20. I don't become clean if I am internally not clean
  21. Every day it needs constant cleanup of mind/body
  22. Read, Travel, Stay content. Don't focus on what you don't have
  23. Death has to be welcomed, Life has to be explored, Cherish everything, Find beauty in small things, It okay you cannot win over life. Be a little kind, cheerful, contentful.
Keep Evaluating yourself, Gods won't clean your mind, Smartphones won't clean your mind. Only your clarity of thinking matters.


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