The daily lesson

It is a constant battle within the self balancing emotions vs practicality. Take chance quit your job and try the things you love to do. Think about the financial commitments and balance them out. If you don't work for your dream you will work for some others dream.

The biggest battle is fighting within our self to outperform ourselves and be the best version of yourself. Loneliness is not being able to do things you love to do but being limited / constrained in our ambitions / goals. We cannot change our-self for the world.

Life has personal, professional, financial and emotional goals. The biggest self realization comes within the self. Success in life means a lot to do with values, principles and less to do with money.

Often you get attention for your material value. This is the fact and irony of life. Broken relationships teach a lot, Broken promises teach a lot. Failed goals teach us a lot. A lot of perseverance in life to keep things going.

Live Well!!!
Live Well today!!!
Stay Focussed!!!
Keep Walking!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"