Live Life King Size - Create New Habits to Align with Goals

Summary from the talk

Our brain is programmed to live in comfort zone. We are not programmed to take risks, explore new things. Our minds are designed to stop us doing anything that hurts us. We have a habit of hesitating. Our brain magnifies risk. We can truly face every single problem. 

One decision away from totally different marriage, totally different life, totally different job, totally different income. Emotions impact relationships. Learnt to control those micro moments. Change your decisions. 

Don't let fear make decision for you. When you are scared and afraid you will point finger at others. You know what to do but you don't do it. Everyone is one step away from set of instructions.

Go for walk, Start running again, the problem is in your head, thinking. Knowledge of what to do vs feel of doing it. Tomorrow is the new me. Your brain helps you to remind you of intentions, it is important to develop the skill of knowing and hearing the inner intention. 

Move as fast, change your inner self. Realize the answer in me, pay attention. Beat your old habits and take a step forward achieving your dreams.

Interrupt old habits, Count to awaken your brain to learn new things, changing behavior, starting rituals (Counting), Writing, Placing holders, Set yourself for success.

Happy Living!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"