My Story #10 - Beehive in Elephant

This is another interesting experience for my curiosity. We went for a family trip to VGP golden beach. This was during my 6th standard.

As usual, I try something different and get screwed myself. We reached there, saw the beach, had some food. There were a few statues of elephants made.

These were white in color. As usual, I started exploration. I said I am feeding the elephant and started to put my hands on the elephant's mouth.

Actually, there was a beehive inside the statue (Elephants mouth). Nicely it gave me a good amount of stings.

The itching continued till the next day. I was bothering my dad to rub it. Finally, I had to go to hospital and explain the story again and get an injection to get it cured.

Exploration to stings to the hospital!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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