Be a Learning Machine

You got to be a learning machine to improve your thinking
You need to connect different dots of knowledge, experience, thinking
You need to reach a level where you can see your future with your thoughts
You need to be humble enough to know your life
Selectively learn, financial independence, Pick the right contacts and Move on
Drive Decision based on facts, behavior, intuition, apply lessons learned in the past 
I certainly feel I can predict my death, my goals and my life going forward

Another Interesting Read - Idea Generation
  • Good Environment to discuss ideas
  • Optimistic people
  • Think without the constraints
  • Good feel for the future
"Stay away from people who are world-weary and belittle your ambitions"
"You want to be able to project yourself 20 years into the future, and then think backwards from there. Trust yourself—20 years is a long time; it’s ok if your ideas about it seem pretty radical."
Think about 2040, What ideas will run the world, prepare for it ?

Good One
"Finally, a good test for an idea is if you can articulate why most people think it’s a bad idea, but you understand what makes it good"

Learn Wisely!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"