What is wrong in today's politics / System?

The Epidemics in System

  1. People who do business without bills and not paying commercial taxes but talk about morality and ethics
  2. Isolating their community for their political benefits
  3. Playing caste cards
  4. Adopting one rule for everyone without respecting local culture and situation
  5. Price of procurement of paddy vs rice. Stark difference and whopping middle man profits
  6. Passing the blatant beliefs - cannot question religion
  7. Do not promote rational thinking, equality, secularism
  8. Instead of competing for quality education, affordable healthcare we fight for weapons, temples
  9. Lack of empathy for environment, Lack of empathy for fellow humans
  10. United by the same blood, DNA but divided by money, status, caste, class
  11. Caste matters, Religion matters, Money matters, Where is character!!!

Keep Thinking!!!


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