Good Read

This post is for Inspiring Quora Questions. Questions and Answers are practical, realistic, valuable and motivating

What are the most important things you should teach a kid?

My Favourite lines from answers
  • Value for oneself, Value for others, Independence, Curiosity and Critical Thinking and Self Discipline

What are the most important things one can learn in the course of life?

What is one thing that everyone should know before he/she gets married but few people do know?

My Favourite lines from answers
  • You can't MAKE someone happy and its converse, They can't MAKE you happy.
  • Compromising will eventually eat the bottom out of a marriage boat. "I can't win for losing" is a sign it has already got holes.
  • How they treat others they are disgusted with, will eventually be how they treat you. 
  • Your job is to enhance the others life, not save or be saved by them.
  • You WILL BE attracted to others. What you do about it will determine whether you mature or self-destruct. What ever you put energy into will eventually take over your life.

Keep trying, keep moving, stay strong no matter what because sometimes the only option is to keep fighting, to keep defying the odds

Happy Reading!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"