3 tips to Speed up your Career

  • Keep Learning - For years I have switched between Development-Test-Support Functions. This was an eye opening experience. I had a very good learning with every move. Learning curve for Development was very high when switching to Development from Test function. I believe in exploring the borders of your comfort zone to expand your learning skills. This approach was instrumental to succeed in every new role

  • Employed Vs Being Employable - Whenever I hated to do my work for multiple reasons (Repetitive work, Out dated technology). Working for a famous brand is as important as doing meaningful work. Both need to be balanced. While you are employed you have the responsibility to update your skills and remain employable in the job market

  • Stay Away from Negative Influences - Frustration breeds negativity.  After moving from company A to Company B. I have seen people from B complaining about their current employer and asking why did you leave A and Join B. This symptom I observed in every company. Best thing is to ignore people who spread negativity in work environment

Happy Learning!!!


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