Good Quotes
#1. Quotes from Quora Question What is the best advice your father ever gave you?
"No matter what you do in life, always keep your character clean. People actually remember the good ones."
"Life gives you what you settle for." - Dad
"Always try to be the best of the lot. Even if you fail, you will always be motivated to do better the next time."
"You're different. Stay different."
"Never betray anyone in your life. You wont be able to live with the guilt inside."
Quote to Future Parents - "Your mother and I have strived as parents to do better than our parents did. We both expect that should you choose to become a parent, you'll strive to do better than we did."
#2. Quotes from Quora Question - What Does It Feel Like to X?: What does it feel like to suddenly lose all your wealth?
"Making money ain't nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner, but you get sick just like the next cat, and when you die you're just as graveyard dead - Louis Armstrong"
Happy Reading!!!
Good Quotes
Good Quotes from link
"Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up"
"Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world"
"Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated"
"You learn more from failure than from success; don't let it stop you. Failure builds character."
"People aren't against you; they are for themselves."
"You can have anything you want; you just have to pay the price."
“The most dangerous risk of all - The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”
"If it hurts, do it more"
"Money is renewable. Time is not." -Hunter Owens
"Your gender has nothing to do with your career unless you do your job with your genitals"
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." ~William Arthur Ward -- Ann K. Fuerst Ph.D.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde"
Happy Reading!!!
"Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up"
"Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world"
"Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated"
"You learn more from failure than from success; don't let it stop you. Failure builds character."
"People aren't against you; they are for themselves."
"You can have anything you want; you just have to pay the price."
“The most dangerous risk of all - The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”
"If it hurts, do it more"
"Money is renewable. Time is not." -Hunter Owens
"Your gender has nothing to do with your career unless you do your job with your genitals"
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." ~William Arthur Ward -- Ann K. Fuerst Ph.D.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde"
Happy Reading!!!
Quora Inspiring Questions
Quora has a good collection of Life Hacking Tips. This post is on two interesting questions and my favourite lines from answers underlined with screen shots. These answers and up votes validate the fundamental beliefs, ethics for a fruitful worthy life.
What is it like to be an adult and not have kids?
To 60+ years experienced people, what is your advice for the youth about life?
Happy Reading!!!
What is it like to be an adult and not have kids?
To 60+ years experienced people, what is your advice for the youth about life?
Happy Reading!!!
Importance of Continuous Learning
Fixed Mind-set Vs Growth Mind-set. A beautiful article on the same The Mindset of a Champion
It’s important to understand and accept the truth at any age / any stage of Life.
Happy Reading!!!
It’s important to understand and accept the truth at any age / any stage of Life.
Happy Reading!!!
Exam Grades
Nice write up on exam scores. Good grades also reflect questions asked were things you know well. Your relatively weak areas might not have been in exam questions. Mix of skill and luck determines grades.
Beautiful article Luck and Skill Untangled: The Science of Success
Happy Reading!!!
Beautiful article Luck and Skill Untangled: The Science of Success
Life @ 30
Couple of interesting answers from Quora questions on "Life @ 30", What it feels to be in 30's. Highlighted some lines of answers which are in line with my thoughts
What does it feel like to be in your 30s?
Note #1
Note #3
What does it feel like to turn 30 years old?
Note #1
'As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do' One life, live it.
Happy Learning!!!
Ted Talk - Power of Self Study
Very Good Ted Talk
"Self-study, self-exploration, self-empowerment — these are the virtues of a great education.” (Shimon Schocken)
Next Interesting Talk - Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
Happy Learning!!!
"Self-study, self-exploration, self-empowerment — these are the virtues of a great education.” (Shimon Schocken)
- Be Tenacious Self Learner
- Grading Takes Away all fun from failing
- Surround yourself with Brilliant People
Next Interesting Talk - Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
Happy Learning!!!
Good Read
This post is for Inspiring Quora Questions. Questions and Answers are practical, realistic, valuable and motivating
What are the most important things you should teach a kid?
My Favourite lines from answers
What are the most important things one can learn in the course of life?
What is one thing that everyone should know before he/she gets married but few people do know?
My Favourite lines from answers
Keep trying, keep moving, stay strong no matter what because sometimes the only option is to keep fighting, to keep defying the odds
Happy Reading!!!
What are the most important things you should teach a kid?
My Favourite lines from answers
- Value for oneself, Value for others, Independence, Curiosity and Critical Thinking and Self Discipline
What are the most important things one can learn in the course of life?
What is one thing that everyone should know before he/she gets married but few people do know?
My Favourite lines from answers
- You can't MAKE someone happy and its converse, They can't MAKE you happy.
- Compromising will eventually eat the bottom out of a marriage boat. "I can't win for losing" is a sign it has already got holes.
- How they treat others they are disgusted with, will eventually be how they treat you.
- Your job is to enhance the others life, not save or be saved by them.
- You WILL BE attracted to others. What you do about it will determine whether you mature or self-destruct. What ever you put energy into will eventually take over your life.
Keep trying, keep moving, stay strong no matter what because sometimes the only option is to keep fighting, to keep defying the odds
Happy Reading!!!
Interesting Quora Question and Answers
What are the most important things you should teach an adult?
I am re posting some sections of the answers that I feel are **very important** and useful lessons for life
Lesson #1
Lesson #2
Lesson #3
Lesson #4
Happy Learning!!!
3 tips to Speed up your Career
- Keep Learning - For years I have switched between Development-Test-Support Functions. This was an eye opening experience. I had a very good learning with every move. Learning curve for Development was very high when switching to Development from Test function. I believe in exploring the borders of your comfort zone to expand your learning skills. This approach was instrumental to succeed in every new role
- Employed Vs Being Employable - Whenever I hated to do my work for multiple reasons (Repetitive work, Out dated technology). Working for a famous brand is as important as doing meaningful work. Both need to be balanced. While you are employed you have the responsibility to update your skills and remain employable in the job market
- Stay Away from Negative Influences - Frustration breeds negativity. After moving from company A to Company B. I have seen people from B complaining about their current employer and asking why did you leave A and Join B. This symptom I observed in every company. Best thing is to ignore people who spread negativity in work environment
Happy Learning!!!
Good Inspiring Talk on Continuous Learning - Word-class Self-education
Good Inspiring Talk
Approaches for Continuous Learning
Approaches for Continuous Learning
- Read Blog's
- Reading List / Re-Reading List (Good One :) )
- Start from your current field and explore the borders (Good One :) )
- Experiment
- Share your learning's
Great Questions and Inspiring answers
Interesting questions and inspiring answers from Quora. My favourite lines in answer is highlighted
Can money buy happiness?
How I can be happy without money?
Don't focus on money. Instead, focus on how you spend your time.
I have everything I thought I wanted and I'm still not happy. Why?
Zen story is very good. Please read it
Happy Reading!!!
Good Read - Innovation
Msdn blog posts of anita george is very good. The posts are informative, lot of useful insights and provides good guidelines for Work Life Balance.
One of the posts Over-functioning is Not Job Security I came across is very good. I really like the below highlighted lines from the post.
Reposting a section of notes from the post
Happy Reading and Happy Learning!!!
One of the posts Over-functioning is Not Job Security I came across is very good. I really like the below highlighted lines from the post.
Reposting a section of notes from the post
Happy Reading and Happy Learning!!!
Good Read
Interesting posts from blog News on Relevant Science
- 8 Tips for Taking Care of Your Aging Parents
- Parts of Your Body Most Affected by Weight Gain
- 100 Best Blogs for Journalism Students Updated
Inspiring Questions
Listed below are interesting questions and inspiring answers from quora
I'm a hard working student but I can't find what I am truly passionate in. What should I do?
How can I overcome envy of people who are my age but are far more successful than I am?
Have a Good Day!!!
I'm a hard working student but I can't find what I am truly passionate in. What should I do?
How can I overcome envy of people who are my age but are far more successful than I am?
Have a Good Day!!!
The importance of learning.
Very Good, Informative talk.
Good Quote from presentation
"Learn a Good Profession and You are set for Life. Be good at something, Not Everything. One Lifetime - One Career"
Happy Learning!!!
Good Quote from presentation
"Learn a Good Profession and You are set for Life. Be good at something, Not Everything. One Lifetime - One Career"
Happy Learning!!!
Keep Learning - Importance of Continious Learning
Continuous Learning is important to stay updated on technology, skills. Listed below are two questions from Stackoverflow that explain importance of learning as a habit.
Good Read
Beautiful presentation on fundamentals of success - passion, hard work, perseverance, faith and execution.
My Heroes
View more presentations from Coach Bay
More Reads - The Thought-Patterns of Success
Happy Reading!!!
More Reads - The Thought-Patterns of Success
Happy Reading!!!
Good Reads
Next Post is two good reads
First Read - Live and Learn, or Lose: Five Ways to Keep from Being Outdated. Tips are very practical, realistic and inspiring
Second One is Learning Is More Important Than Knowing
The Key message one liner is impressive "Good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know"
Happy Learning!!!
First Read - Live and Learn, or Lose: Five Ways to Keep from Being Outdated. Tips are very practical, realistic and inspiring
- Learn Something New Every Day
- Avoid Dead Ends at All Costs
- Take Some Risks
Second One is Learning Is More Important Than Knowing
The Key message one liner is impressive "Good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know"
Happy Learning!!!
Good Reads
Next Post is Good Reads listed below
Happy Reading!!!
- Five tips for career growth
- Five stages of problem solving
- Career Advice I Learned along the Hard Way
- Over-functioning is Not Job Security
Happy Reading!!!
Live Your Dreams
Beautiful presentation about 'Doing things that we love to do in Life'
Happy Reading!!
Happy Reading!!
My favourite stackexchange questions
My favourite stackexchange questions. Answers are very interesting, impressive and motivating.
Question #1 - What is the good/bad decision you made in your mid 20's about your career
From the answers listed below points were very impressive and interesting
Question #2 - What Level of Education Is Most Useful?
Ongoing: "The people who NEVER stop learning"
My advice: don't stop learning.
Question #3 - What happens to older software engineers?
Interesting post #1 - Career Advice I Learned along the Hard Way
Interesting post #2 - CAN SASQUATCH TEST?
"Your circumstances might keep you from PRACTICING at a given company, but if this is your chosen career, you should freaking know something about it!!" - Linda Wilkinson
Question #1 - What is the good/bad decision you made in your mid 20's about your career
From the answers listed below points were very impressive and interesting
- Technologies - "You can't know everything, so don't try to, and don't worry about it. In three years' time it will be obsolete anyway. Pick a small number of things and be good at them. Be aware of the rest"
- Marriage - "Marry when you meet the person you want to marry, that's the only right time. If it's the right person it's more important than your career. If it's not then don't marry them"
- Health - "Nothing is more important than it"
- Good decision - "Start saving for retirement"
Ongoing: "The people who NEVER stop learning"
My advice: don't stop learning.
Question #3 - What happens to older software engineers?
- If you're competent, flexible, and keep learning, you keep doing the kind of work you want to be doing
Interesting post #1 - Career Advice I Learned along the Hard Way
- Challenge Yourself
- Take Pride in your work
Interesting post #2 - CAN SASQUATCH TEST?
Below lines from the post are very good practical guidance -
"Your circumstances might keep you from PRACTICING at a given company, but if this is your chosen career, you should freaking know something about it!!" - Linda Wilkinson
Happy Learning!!!!
Beautiful Sky
Random snaps captured during flight journey from LA - HKG. I like the picture of blue sky. It is quite good.
Happy Travelling!!!
"Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down." — Ray Bradbury
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." — T.S. Eliot
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