Strategy & Innovation Quotes

Very Good Read on Innovation from Imaginatik

Couple of Interesting Quotes

“not to impose yesterday’s normal on a changed today; but to change the business, its behavior, its attitudes, its expectations—as well as its products, its markets, and its distributive channels—to fit the new realities.” (MANAGING FOR RESULTS, 1964) 

Drucker shared, “If what looks like an opportunity does not advance the strategic goal of the institution, it is not an opportunity. It is a distraction.”

Peter Drucker outlined a recipe for business innovation that is still relevant and actionable. This recipe involves answering three questions, which “will provide the foundation upon which goals, objectives, and strategies can be formulated.
Question #1: “What is our business?"
Question #2: “What will our business be?”
Question #3: “What should our business be?"

Regularly asking and answering these three questions will spark important conversations about the purpose of your business.


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