Notes from the talk
Notes - Wayne Dyer - How to be a No-Limit Person (1-2/6)
- A know limit person - Operates from Deficiency
- Get Some Place out - Need More
- No-Limit Person already has everything
- Appreciate What you have and Where you are
- Successful people are inner directed, no-limit people
- They always have enough
- Handle Anything - Not because of circumstances
- Attitude towards circumstances
- Taking what you are and accepting
- Idea of taking life in your own hands and being kind of person you choose to be and everything that comes in your way is a blessing-opportunity
- Perfect cannot be decided. Birds are perfect, Environment is perfect. Thoughts makes it itself
- Someone puts pressure on you-Out of you comes anger-fear-stress Why ?
- Becoz of Boss/Mom/Children?
- What comes out of you is what's inside
- If you have hatred, It is what you put inside
- There are no mistakes, No Limit people understand lesson in life - Celebrate Lessons
- No one can hurt your feelings without your consent
- Person who has will to live/Attitude/Belief - So much better opportunity to be well in your life
- Help someone Teach Themselves
- See the greatness and uniqueness in you
- True self is beautiful little child
- Period from 6-12 Wallclock - Move yourself back in your Life
Living in itself, Going with the Flow
1. Quality rather than Appearances
- You change from Appearances to Quality. Rathen than how it appears.
- Wanting Approval or Needing Approval
- Stop Needing Approval
- Live the Life you have imagined
- Success is an inner process
- Success is doing what makes most amount of sense to you
- You will see it when you believe it
- Independant of Good Opinion of other people
- Immoral Acts come in name of Rules
- Immoral Rule, Immoral to Obey It
- Encourage kids to question
3. Knowledge instead of Achievements
- For the sake of Knowledge
- Because it makes sense to you
- Value importance of knowlege
- Doing things that makes sense than easy ways of doing it
- No Stress actually exists. People thinking stressful Thoughts
- Live each moment
- Living in the moment
- No need to Dominate
- More you become honest to yourself
- Honesty becomes way of life
- How to react is yours
- Being Honest
- More you collect less serenity
- Find joy in every moment instead of looking for it
- Attitude is everything
- Living in Light is way
- Forgiveness
- Happiness is the Way
A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning.
Next morning, they met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air.
Socrates asked, 'What did you want the most when you were there?"
The boy replied, "Air."
Socrates said, "That is the secret to success. When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it." There is no other secretI love the summary posted in link
- Greet each day with high expectations and a clear sense of direction
- Exercise a remarkable degree of control over everything in your life
- Enjoy each day to the fullest, unaffected by unnecessary concerns about the past or future
- Detach yourself from external criticism
- Tune in to internal signals to deal effectively with everyday frustrations and challenges
- Feel joy every day of your life
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