Sometimes felt restless at Chennai, No Travel, At home. On-time food but no physical work. Here clean house, home chores, Miss the things at home. Always bothered about work not taking care of my mom. Regret taking my professional life too close in my life.
Job - You do not get paid to say yes. You are willing to discuss than follow top-down orders. A team that has trust will outperform the process. A team which has territories and boundaries will fail even with good process.
Keep Going!!!
We do not remember every journey in our life. We only remember things where there was a special moment, challenges, satisfaction, and cherished achievements. In the same way we only remember the work where were involved deep, curious and did it repetitively or deep dive implementation.
- Never worry when you are denied an opportunity because it means they feel you are a threat. Sun will be in dark and the moon shines bright all night. Once the sun comes after dawn, the moon will be lost in the shine and light. So talent has to go through periods of darkness to break myths and assumptions.
- When you know your strength and weakness, Its a matter of time for people to notice and work with you because thinking, working cannot be copied but code can be
- When you are mentally and technically prepared for a role, You will find it anywhere and clear interview because you are already thinking, working in that role
- Measure every move, Build your profile, Think through and make planned moves. Be patient, quiet, and calm. Use the anger to fuel your progress.
Keep Going!!!
Every 2 years you need to revisit/relook your career as you near your 40s. When the time is less, you need to pick and chose the right roles to balance your life, take care of your parents.
Learn and Grow, Be in a job that gives you satisfaction, peace of mind, Able to balance other aspects of Life.
Keep Thinking!!
Companies may run out of Talent but Talent will never run out of Opportunities. Your success is built on 99% of failures that others didn't notice. One day the magnificent success looks like an overnight success. Today's pain is tomorrow's gain. Keep smiling and Keep going!!!
We need to survive, For paycheck, we deliver work that is required from us
For personal learning, we read things that we like to read about
Applying your perspectives and ideas and building a solution in your own frame of mind
Being open to change things if you see an impact / better reason for it
Mass education, Quality Education.....Everyone needs to be on same page
- Engineers from Elite Institutions - Contributions to Product building, startups etc..
- Engineers from Tier 1 Institutions - Contributions to Product building, startups, etc - Without Entrance Exa,s
- Engineers from Tier 2 Institutions - Contributions to Product building, startups etc - With Stateboard Exams
What did each category contribute to growth, What is the pass percentage? What is the knowledge gap between each segment? How does this knowledge gap gets filled/balanced?
Irrespective of the entrance exams, Every institution guaranteed 70% pass, The level of knowledge may vary but certainly, it implies these exams and courses need only basic minimum knowledge to pass. Knowledge and intelligence are incremental. It does not come and go with grades.
Keep Going!!!
- Death does not differentiate external good perceptions vs internal actual quality
- Deeds for outside world vs cruelty in inner self will get the marks for actual character
- Any wrong deed never goes out of karma books, it will come back when you do not expect
- Situations are mere actors, the solutions/ consequences will come at the right time
- All deeds come with their own good / bad interests, Everything is calculated/monitored in the eyes of karma
Keep Thinking!!!
What type of Doctors we need
- For this 130 crore+ population we need empathetic doctors
- Intelligence is curiosity, patience, and providing affordable medicine
- Intelligence is not just grades and marks
- Making a better next generation is the greatest responsibility
- The best form of support is listening, kindness and care
- Marks also does not mean great doctors, Above-average scores and empathy is what make a great doctor!!!
- Be a learner of life, wherever you go, kindness will grow!!!!
Keep Going!!!
Sometimes I feel we need 36 hours for work-life balance. Ideas don't come right we need.
Work-life balance or prioritizing over priorities is never-ending learning.
Keep Going!!!
- Listen to Reply
- Listen to Argue
- Listen to Understand
- Listening with Empathy
- Listening with Kindness
- Listening with intention to Solve
- Listening to Learn
Keep Questioning!!!
- The Love that you loved after it Left?
- The Love that loved you until it left you
- The Love that blocked each other after the excitement was over?
- The Love that failed you and made you remember all you Lost?
- The Love you ignored what was waiting for you?
- The Love you loved that insulted you?
I have my gratitude for my sibling and my mom
- They are the ones whom I hated the most at some point in Life
- They are the ones who tolerated all my drama
- They are the ones whom I would have made them cry most of the time
- They are the ones who corrected all my mistakes
- They are the ones I looked up when I had no one or I had nothing
- Maybe I never made good relationships/friends but yes I am grateful for those why supported me even I was not grateful for them
Keep Thinking!!!
Good 3 Lessons, Thank you, Rajan, Good One.
- Even a few hours of focus can spell magic
- Worthwhile things take months and years of consistency
- Just enjoy the journey, stay consistent
Good One :)
If you go for vaccination take two days to rest post-vaccination. I had the superhero mindset 30 mins after vaccination only to get screwed the next 48 hours. Body pain - mild fever - headache is a side effect. Better take rest than trying to do regular work
Keep Thinking!!!