Listen with the context of understanding Listen with the context of knowing perspectives Take time to find answers Solution perspective vs Business perspective is different. Balancing both matters Observe, think, evaluate, propose Stay Calm, Keep Going!!!
Everything rests on Optimism, Hope and Kindness Hope we sail through these tough times and come back stronger This 'Corona' makes everyone remember we are the same irrespective of differences Either we fight together or die together Nature always has a way of solving the imbalances A lot of questions, A lot of thinking needed to avoid another such situation Hope everything helps towards a more optimistic and kind world
Keep Going!!!
Some things I know 'How it works' because I have read about it, observed the working pattern Some things I know because 'I have tried and it worked' Some things I assume 'It works this way' Some things I learn the fundamentals and build my working knowledge on top of it The more you learn, the more it pushes you to learn and connect the dots
Applied Knowledge Learned Knowledge Experimented Knowledge Assumption based Knowledge
My previous role gave me a 200 feet perspective. I had a certain environment, priorities, certain set of influencers in my work/projects. After leaving the role, building upon technical debts, It affirmed my vision, thoughts, views and gave me a 10000 feet perspective. This perspective provides a bigger perspective, context, vision. It takes time, effort, interest to broaden your vision, thoughts and understand the technology. Being mindful, aware and consciously putting efforts to build perspectives is very important to reach the destination. Build a circle of positive, optimistic people. Level up your perspectives and Keep Going!!!
When the journey is focused on the future, efforts should be towards building the future not looking at the past. For everything I have gained, I have lost a few things. For everything, I lost I have gained a few things. There is more satisfaction in doing things you love to do. I hope to motivate / code/coach and innovate in all my future roles. Be a source of optimism, kindness, hope, and motivation.
Learning, doing, remembering, recollecting are all important. Sometimes we forget in the long run. Indexing it properly, revising it and remembering it is very important.
Sometimes we need to remember our own path while traveling with others. I have a long term vision. I need to travel through and keep changing my priorities going forward. Every three months I need to retrospect and make sure I am aligned to my long term goals. Set aside the battles of today to win the battle for Lifetime. Focus on the biggest goals and pass through minor problems.
Give focus, attention to things that are important in the long term.
This career break vacation is an important moment. It gave me the environment to learn without deadlines. It helped me to forget some memories, focus on certain things, brush up on a few things, prioritize next moves. I had put my efforts to clear my technical debts, long pending break to rest/relax as I wish, staying away from calls/meetings. It helped me relax and get recharged.
At some point in time, emotions don't affect your decisions At some point in time, criticism doesn't affect your decisions At some point in time, you believe what others doubt At some point in time, you know where and what you are doing The whole Life is an experience, Success or Failure are both the same The perspectives, logical aspects, delivering your best to your satisfaction is more important Damages mean you can think better to hurt others less Damages mean you want to minimize damage going forward The more damaged our emotions are the kinder we become Every failure makes your humble Every success should make you kinder
Early Career - Go with the flow, Understand the domain, technology, execution, and delivery aspects Mid Career - Pick something you love and master it. Find a mentor / upskill yourself towards your passion After two Decades - Chose careers that build your passion, Find something where you can contribute significantly and also get yourself involved in bigger goals
You cannot have emotional substitutes for people whom you miss in your Life Sometimes we long for things we don't have, missing the value of things we have Sometimes we continue to suffer without clarity as the pain has a hidden pleasure An endless journey to recover / fall/recover makes you go in the same cycle of pain again When its times regret, forget and focus on the next things in Life Don't stay for people who don't wait for you Start your journey even it means you are a stranger again
The journey of long drive is satisfying than the destination Struggle to accomplish is the moment enjoyed than the pride of achievement Moments are expressing love are happier than happy/sad ending
Never go back to people who broke you Never give chance to rewind and repeat dark days Never forget the pain you went for no fault of yours Forgive people who deserve forgiveness Forget people who deserve to be forgotten Trust people who stand with you even if they hurt you Trust people who criticize you but support you It takes two sides to balance, support, forgive, care. Don't break yourself to lose yourself
The best answer for everything is silence The second-best answer for everything is smile We do not need to win any argument We do not need to disprove any opinions For the things I want to do, I would rather focus on it than thinking about perceptions
If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time Learn how to fail. What to do when they fail. How to know when failure is the universe calling for another approach and when it is evidence that you should try something else entirely You are very special to your parents. You are here on earth for a reason. We want to see you happy and become successful. Nothing is guaranteed. You must work hard in order to maintain your happiness and success
Good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know
You have to start living reverse to accomplish what are things I can accomplish with the time I have. Many things we pass through may not come till the end but we need to pass through that to achieve our final destination. Know your destination and understand your priorities to handle your emotions. Don't lose sight of the destination with temporary obstacles. May 3rd / 2020
Clarity - When death is near the path is very clear. When the time remaining is less than time lived you actually know what are your priorities
About me - Emprical Learner, Ghost Rider, Building the best deep network for a kinder, better self!!!
Take Chances, Be Bold, Take Risks, Be Yourself, Stay Motivated and Keep Rocking!!!
Have a Good Day. Any Feedback/Questions please drop a note to sivaram2k10(at)gmail(dot)com.
"The person that you will spend most time with in your life is yourself, so better try to make yourself as interesting as possible...."
Like a drunkard, this blog is my late-night diary and serves as my graveyard shift memories. When I am not there in this world you will know what was running in my mind. Win or Lose keep the journey interesting!!!
“You live only once, If you are right once is enough”
"Always be a part of solution not part of problem"
"Yet, Taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other's good, and melt at other's woe" - Homer
“I love the man who can smile in trouble that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine (1737–1809), American political theorist & writer