Mind Capsule

It's always a run for knowing self and being good at self. Today's capsule based on readings

Good snippets based on reading from post -

“We live in a fog of uncertainty. Good thinking removes some of the fog. Never all of it.”

“Without good analysis, we can’t make good decisions. Without good analysis, we can’t even figure out what our options are.”

“Notice the end: Action. If thinking doesn’t end with action, it’s useless. Taking action is why we think. If you’re thinking just to think, that’s useless, too.”

“The primary thing we need to learn is not just maths or spelling, but how to be good: we need to learn about courage, self-control, reasonableness, independence and calm.”

Some more notable quotes

Read more, Experiment more, Fail more, Live Well

Keep going!!!


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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"