Attending Startup Oktoberfest

Today I attended  second edition of UnPluggd. Inmobi CEO Naveen Tewari talk was impressive. Checkout impressive interview in link

After the sessions I checked on some startup ideas
10 Bizarre Start Up Ideas That Made Millionaires
7 Key Points for Brainstorming Startup Ideas
Articles in the Startup Ideas Category
100+ Web Start-up Business Ideas
How to Startup! (not being a programmer)
Developing new startup ideas
How making money changed my perspective on startup ideas
The Startup Idea Generator – Creating “Killer” Business Ideas So That You Don’t Have To The Startup Idea Generator - Creating "Killer" Business ...
Low-Cost Startup Ideas

Other Interesting Sites
ash maurya
Year One Labs
Steve Poland

India’s Largest Angel Network
Indian Web Startups
Small Business Podcasts

Happy Reading!!

Quality of Life

Quality of Life does not depend on Lifesytle....
Quality of Life does not depend on Educational Qualifications...
Quality of Life does not depend on your position in Soceity.....

"Quality of Life depends on Quality of your thoughts..."
"You can be Happy with all that you have or Unhappy with all that you are..."
"You are What You are Today as the result of decisions you took Yesterday...."
"Adding Years to Life or Life to Years......"

What is Success ???

Beautiful Read explain's success.
"Accumulation or reaching some measurable goal is not success - that's achievement. Success is a feeling."

"Success is waking up everyday at peace with the life you live and the decisions you've made"..........

Reference - Link

Quotes for the Week

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. - Thomas Jefferson

One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. - Andre gide

God depends on us. It is through us that God is achieved." — AndrĂ© Gide

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Very Good and Inspiring Talk Those who Lead Inspire us, Not for them but for ourselves.

Every Problem is a Challenge that has a Learning

  • A problem is an opportunity to Learn
  • A Problem is an opportunity to Un-Learn and Re-Learn
  • A Problem is an opportunity to re-affirm your beliefs
  • A problem is an opportunity to explore your creativity and try different ways to solve it
  • A problem is an opportunity to take you to the next level
  • A problem is an opportunity to apply your ideas
  • A problem is a challenge that will help you train your brain
  • A problem is an opportunity to influence others doing the right thing
Courtesy -
  • When you don't have a problem, What are you going to Learn ?
  • Everyone has the certain set of problems/challenges to deal with. Our Ability to successfully deal with it is the mastery and art of learning!!!
  • Don't stick yourself to assumptions, supersitions when you have the ability to think and conquer!!!
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right!"
Every Problem is an Opportunity

Improving on Interpersonal Skills

Yep. More we learn about ourselves we also need to understand others. Read an interesting article in link. Below lines mentioned are very good and important I felt.
  • "Listen twice as much as you speak"
  • "Actions Speak Louder than Words"
  • "Schedule in time to reflect.."
  • Start asking yourself questions such as
   “what am I doing?”
   “what am I doing this for?”
    “what do I want to be doing?”
    “will I achieve that by what I am currently doing?”

One important message i felt to share from below HBR tips I received - Understand your own motives. Do you really want to help your colleague get better? Or are you looking for an opportunity to point out his annoying faults? Hold your tongue unless you have good intentions

Excellent Open ended questions from the Post
  • "In what ways might we make this product even better?"
  • “I see your sales are low this month, what do you think is causing the problem and what can we do to solve it?"
  • "In what ways might we...?" or "How could we...?" or "What new...might...?"
More Open ended Questions from link
  • "That sounds interesting. Can you tell me more?"
  • "What excites you the most about this idea?"
  • "What is the essence of your idea - the core principle?"
  • "How do you imagine your idea will benefit others?"
  • "In what ways does your idea fit with our strategic vision?"
  • "What information do you still need?"
  • "Who are your likely collaborators?"
  • "Is there anything similar to your idea on the market?
  • "What support do you need from me?"
  • "What is your next step?"
"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"