Life = Experiments = Experiences
You try something - You win - It works - You make money - You buy things you like - You are seen as success
You try something - You fail - You live with what you have - You are seen as failure
In both cases it is the same amount of effort, experience but status is judged based on the rewards. In a closer context, both appear different, In a broader perspective, both of them are good teachers.
If you have not done anything you have nothing to learn/share or experience/experiment with the journey.
There is no one definition of Life, It is just as we see it / live it / make progress day by day.
Keep Going!!!
Health / Lifestyle
All failures relate to Food / Sleep / Weight. Any problem in
- Input - Food habits
- CPU - Processing functionality, Health Status
- Output - Problems in Digestion and motion
Kidney Failure
- trouble sleeping
- poor appetite
- weakness
- tiredness
- swelling of your feet or ankles
Heart Failure
- fatigue
- sudden weight gain
- a loss of appetite
- protruding neck veins
Liver Failure
- viral infections, such as hepatitis A, B, or E
- exposure to toxins, such as those found in industrial chemicals or poisonous wild mushrooms
- Benzene and other chemicals and toxins
- Drinking too much alcohol
- Obesity
- Radiation exposure
- Viruses
If you are doing well, ensure you remain the same and spot any differences in your body/workstyle/lifestyle.
Stay Healthy, Peaceful.!!!!
Perspectives of past 2 years
It was a good mix of
- Trading domain - App Analytics, Segmentation, Bottleneck analysis, Similar to air crash investigation
- Vision for Retail, Fashion, Beauty Products, Agriculture, Some was promising, some dimnished
- Forecasting repeating my earlier days but with latest algos DeepAR, TFT, Transformers, RNN etc..
- Optimization and adding perspectives of it from big picture
It's a mixed journey but overall mixed emotions. You cannot be master of all. Again fundamentals as long as you are clear anything can be picked up. Consulting was interesting but product building is focused.
Always been in Data Heavy side. SQL / BI / AI. Defining AI where they only see Data as Reports was very challenging, Consulting in AI for selected predefined use cases was very focused.
Overall cannot be a churn machine. Health also need to be balanced. A bit fof aging catching up. Domain Expertise, Data Expertise, Vision Expertise, Solutioning Expertise. Everything needs time and focus. Career is long term. Do not compromise health, If Health is gone then rest of career will be only in Old Age Home.
Be consistent and Patient!!!