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Good Interesting Dating Observations

 Article - Link

  • Women always get more likes/messages
  • Best looking women had a very high rate of messages
  • 17:1 women's: men's message

Key Lessons to succeed in Dating

  • Demonstrate creativity, intelligence, and a great sense of humor
  • Be totally different from anything she may have received before
  • Show that I’ve read her profile and absorbed facts about her
  • Not be needy!

The last one - 'Not be needy!' is also related to possessiveness. How much to care vs How much to give a good impression.

Learning Approach - ADEPT: Use an Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain-English description, and then a Technical description

Same Applies even in Dating!!!

Marriage perspectives

  • Success in marriage is based on how successful the kids are
  • Everything is part of life happiness, respect, support, care, kindness, romance. Everyone has their ego moment but how soon we forgive or compromise for the best decision is the key.
  • In a way we know what max this person can impact us only after the person leaves us
  • Not everyone who talks well is actually good. Not everyone who is good can express themselves very well. 
  • It's like how to respond to this, How to do self-marketing, Are they for money, How will it work, Mom will reject or will this work :)
  • Very tough to find someone is for money or the right attitude. Now it's like use and throw relationships
  • Good or bad there is an ego internally this girl rejected so the choose a better partner
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Good vs Bad

Managing the good and bad within us.

  • Clarity
  • Focus, Priorities and Better Plans 
  • Think and Take Meaningful Decision
  • Emotions vs Reality 

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Life is same patterns

  • Early Life - Good Education, Job, Financial Stability
  • Mid Life - Passion, Startup, Travel
  • 40's - Plan to Retire
  • 50'5 - Plan post Retirement

Life is almost in the Autopilot model, Repeating the same patterns every ten years. It's like running against the next milestone.

  • Education - Job - Home - Car - Marriage - Kids - Job Growth - Raise Kids - Retire
  • Job Sometimes - "George Clooney - "How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams?"
  • Life sometimes - Think of it as filling a jar with eggs. There’s a lot of room in the spaces in between for grains of rice.
  • Sometimes - "What would your life look like if you built it today?"
  • Mindset - "We are all conditioned by the “expectations” of society and our need for recognition."
  • Life - "Now your dreams and expectations are based on what social media algorithms present to you for years."
  • What's up - "‘Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around’"
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Good Quotes - Consistency, Persistence and Perseverance

 Good Collection of Quotes from Linkedin threads

Embodied Brilliance is a habit. What we choose to BE...we become.

Excellence isn’t about one victory. It’s about the discipline over years of consistency of pursuing your true potential

Excellence then becomes the by-product of deliberate practice in pursuit of high performance

Executing on an idea vs just thinking about it.  The thought is easy, the journey is difficult and that's what separates a strong team from an average one.

The life long learner is the person with the highest average learning hours consistently over time. 

The gold medalist is the runner with the highest average speed, not the fastest top speed.

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Thinking Time - Tips for Better Conversations

Read #1 - Handling Difficult Conversations

  • A solution, a plan or an understanding
  • A plan reorganises the relationship with new boundaries, revised norms, and sets up shared expectations for how the trickiest parts will be navigated.

Read #2 - How to Survive a Critique: A Guide to Giving and Receiving Feedback

  • Acknowledge in a straightforward manner, without making elaborate excuses
  • Explaining what you had in mind when you made the work
  • Keep it brief: The more you talk, the less time there is for feedback
  • What do you think is the least successful part of my design—and why? 
  • Where do you think I can make improvements?
  • There are always some mean-spirited individuals
  • “Thanks, I’ll think about all this,” or “I appreciate the input,” encourage people to keep helping you in the future.

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Social Media Issues

 There are a lot of issues in social media, The primary motive seems to have failed

  • Targeted marketing to influence people
  • Change from Morality to Majority Opinion is right
  • Crowd following mentality
  • Drive more consumeristic / purchase behavior
  • Focus more on lifestyle/luxury than principles/priorities
  • Low or no importance to education
  • Setting up wrong examples
  • Addiction to games/media / fake gurus
  • Commercialize everything, Take away all the time

In a way they have created isolated hotspots, depressed, addicted to smartphones. With cheap internet, they have only screwed their lives further. Targeted apps for each age group. Drive based on their emotional, behavioral needs. 

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Good vs Bad

To be true to self is the biggest decision. To not give up on a situation is a great strength. Sometimes you have to struggle too long even for things which is easier for the rest. Principles vs Distractions vs Goals vs Tradeoffs. 

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Few things to Introspect


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Intern and Fresher Job scams in India

I liked these lists of Fake Internships reviewed by Youtuber Joshua. In a way providing very minimal salary and extracting maximum work is the mantra of the internship.

  • It's impossible to be productive for all 8hours at work
  • Ideas take time, Ideas come from reading, thinking, experimenting
  • Mentoring / Internship is not as much important as Self-learning

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Productivity, Leadership thoughts

Focus, Attention is the most critical piece of learning. Sometime back had mentioned the same in the context of working on weekends. This link summarizes a similar perspective

Attention, Sustainable productivity is desired are key contributors to it. Few pointers like

  • Switch off Notifications
  • Avoid Smartphone usage
  • Neat Working Environment
  • Organize work / prioritize it

Another vital link that hit me is spotting Destructive Leaders

I have come across instances / felt those tactics.

  • Stagnant with fixed perspectives
  • Dominant my way or no way
  • Micromanagement
  • Fabricating beyond the actual issue

Somethings which are blatant and visible are

  • Automatically dismiss ideas from others
  • External image is unusually extreme in some way
  • Unapologetic self-promoting and self-aggrandizing
  • A belief that they are the heroic warrior who will save the weak
  • Creating impossible standards that no one can reach
To grow both in Life / Career we need to be consistently productive in the long run as well as spot the right leaders we work with. 

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Define the 'Self'

You can never be happy being a people pleaser, You will eventually end up losing yourself for meeting people's expectations. Job, family, friends everything plays a role in life. Success is a perspective, Living life on your own terms, Building your version of a meaningful life. 

This note resonates with some of the mindset, A mindset to keep chasing things or long for things you don't really need. Find the life between selfishness vs selflessness, Build your own perspectives, goals, and work towards that definition. In the end, we only remember the experience, failures. Be perfectly imperfect to build a better version of yourself.

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"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"