Quantifying my Reach on Internet

My stats across different channels
  • 380 answers in Quora 415K Views, 1.83K upvotes
  • Tech Blog - 864 Posts in 10 Years - 272K Page Views
  • Personal Blog - 963 Posts in 10 Years - 116K Page Views
  • Stackoverflow - 44 Answers - 632K People reached - Top 16%
  • SQA Stackoverflow - 112 answers - 272K reached - Top 6%
Number of Followers
  • Twitter - 428
  • Quora - 788
  • Linkedin - 3959
Ranked 54th in Top 100 Data Science Blogs - https://blog.feedspot.com/data_science_blogs/
Top 6% in SQA Answers - https://stackexchange.com/leagues/244/alltime/sqa/2011-05-03/737#737

Roughly, I have reached 1.5 million+ views through different channels. I have 5K followers across all mediums

Happy Learning!!!

Skill Assessments

Experimented Rasberry Pi3 for #Surveillance setup using #OpenCV #Haar filters, SSDLite-MobileNet-v2 on Pi4, Tensorflow Lite. Learning mindset gives me satisfaction and learning moments. (Pic source - Twitter - https://lnkd.in/fkyVwsd). Skill assessments have to be learning mindset based not objective questions based. (#linkedin, other #hiring #platforms need to understand)


You will master it anyway!!!

My Quotes on Life

Some Life Quotes, Apologies for spelling mistakes.

Keep Going!!!

Guilt in Life

I have a lot of differences in my opinions, decisions with my close ones. These days I live with a lot of guilt in me. Sometimes Life will give you answers when you no longer need them. Life is tough, emotions are a pain. Time flies. Being emotionally strong and balanced is a tough trait.

Keep Going!!!


Money has a different dimension in terms of how we manage, save and spend
We cannot equate happiness with lavish expenses
We can definitely measure hunger when your pockets on empty
Money-saving is a skill, spending is a skill
To live a contented life you need to balance your income, savings, and expenditure
Affection/care cannot be expressed in terms of money
You can be happy with a priceless gift or unhappy with an expensive gift
Life does not need a great start but it needs a great ending

Focus on keep going.

Live Wisely.

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"