Examine Life

Read Quote of George Kellerman's answer to Life: Does a person learn more from failures or successes? on Quora

Quora Good Read

Read Quote of Akshay Kumar's answer to Advice: What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? on Quora Read Quote of Mira Zaslove's answer to Advice: What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? on Quora Read Quote of Noor Al-Hajri's answer to Advice: What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? on Quora

Quora - Good Read - Becoming an Expert

Read Quote of Marcus Geduld's answer to Life Lessons: What are important things and advice to know that people generally aren't told about? on Quora Read Quote of Marcus Geduld's answer to Life Lessons: What are important things and advice to know that people generally aren't told about? on Quora Read Quote of Marcus Geduld's answer to Life Lessons: What are important things and advice to know that people generally aren't told about? on Quora Read Quote of Marcus Geduld's answer to Life Lessons: What are important things and advice to know that people generally aren't told about? on Quora

Powerful and Inspiring Quotes - Quora Collections

Read Quote of Anonymous' answer to Quotations: What is the most profound quote from a celebrity that you've ever come across? on Quora Read Quote of Kimberly Thrush's answer to Life: What is the most profound yet short/brief sentence, phrase, motto, nugget of wisdom, aphorism, epigram, quote you've ever heard or read? on Quora Read Quote of Sabuj Chattopadhyay's answer to Inspiration: What is the most inspiring sentence you have ever heard or read? on Quora Read Quote of Garima Pahwa's answer to Inspiration: What is the most inspiring sentence you have ever heard or read? on Quora

Happy Quote

Read Quote of Bharat Kumar's answer to Life Lessons: What are some of the most important life lessons that you've learned from strangers? on Quora

Good Quotes

Good Quotes (Source - Google Reader Subscriptions)

  • "Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing" ~Harriet Braiker
  • "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." ~ Albert Einstein
  • "Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free" ~ Jim Morrison
  • "Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want" ~ Geoffrey F. Abert
  • "The simplest things are often the truest" ~Richard Bach
  • "Loving oneself is different from being arrogant, conceited or egocentric. Loving oneself means caring about oneself, taking responsibility for oneself,  respecting oneself, and knowing oneself" ~Erich Fromm
  • "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all" –Oscar Wilde
  • "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive" ~ Howard Thurman
  • "Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson" ~Alan Cohen
  • "Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change" — Jim Rohn
  • Instead of saying "Everything happens for a reason", We need to look at it as "Everything Leaves us a Lesson not to repeat the same mistake"
  • "Times change but people do not Change, Choose your circle which will take you forward in your Life"

Happy Reading!!!

Good Quote

Read Quote of Mayank Mujumdar's answer to Quotations: Has any quote ever changed the way you live? on Quora

LIFE Quote

  • L - Love Yourself
  • I - Inspire Others
  • F - Free yourself from Fear. It's okay to Make Mistakes, Just Learn the Lesson
  • E - Enjoy every moment

Happy Learning!!!

Good Read

Read Quote of Erik Tittel's answer to Life Lessons: What is the most important life lesson that you have learned up to this point? on Quora

Good Read - Life Lessons

Read Quote of Nithya Prabu's answer to Life: What life lesson would you want to pass on to someone? on Quora

Read Quote of Cara Lembo's answer to Life: What life lesson would you want to pass on to someone? on Quora

Read Quote of Gabriel Harper's answer to Life: What knowledge would you like to pass on before you die? on Quora

Read Quote of Shravan Mishra's answer to Happiness: How do I simply let go, and just be happy? on Quora

Read Quote of Suzan Song's answer to How do I get better at letting things go? on Quora

Good One :)

Read Quote of Mohit Arora's answer to Childhood: If you could exchange one thing you own today for one thing from your childhood, what would it be and why? on Quora

Quora Good Read

Good Read from Quora

Why can't the poor be handed out lots of money to make them rich?

Happy Reading!!!

Does everything happen for a reason?

Read Quote of Sugajen Narayana Perumal's answer to Philosophy: Does destiny exist? on Quora Read Quote of Styrmir Reynisson's answer to Does everything happen for a reason? on Quora Read Quote of Marcus Geduld's answer to Does everything happen for a reason? on Quora Read Quote of Nathan Ketsdever's answer to Career Advice: What words of advice are helpful to those who haven't yet defined their passion in life? on Quora Read Quote of Mae Mole's answer to What does it feel like to find your "passion" in life? on Quora Read Quote of Joe Geronimo Martinez's answer to Does everything happen for a reason? on Quora

Good Lessons

This week has been fantastic in terms of looking back at events that happened, retrospection and deciding on a better path moving forward. Great Reading and lessons to check out

Read Quote of Neil Sanford's answer to How does time heal? on Quora

Read Quote of Like it or not, our happiness is up to us... on Quora

Good Quotes

Life, Marriage, relationships

Quora has been an excellent mentor and teacher. This post is all about life, marriage, relationships, breakups, expectations and learning's

Relationships are build over time, trust and patience. Sharing a great collection list of questions on Marriage, Relationships, breakups and purpose of Life

Read Quote of Mike Leary's answer to Marriage: What is one thing that everyone should know before they get married but few know? on Quora Read Quote of Debbie Gerber's answer to Dating and Relationships: Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a successful relationship for many years? on Quora Read Quote of Adrija Subramanian's answer to Marriage: Do arranged marriages really fare off better than love marriages? on Quora Read Quote of Ashley Buerkett's answer to Breaking Up: What are good ways to get over a breakup? on Quora Read Quote of Selim Tlili's answer to Dating and Relationships: How to completely get over a breakup that took place 3 years ago? on Quora

Read Quote of Lorraine Esposito's answer to Love: Does true love happen only once? on Quora Read Quote of Opal Woodward's answer to Love: Does true love happen only once? on Quora Read Quote of Sara Pellicori's answer to Love: Does true love happen only once? on Quora
Read Quote of Bahaa' Awartany's answer to Marriage: What do you think are two biggest changes in your life after marriage? on Quora Read Quote of Sarah Ouellette's answer to Life: What is NOT important in life? on Quora Read Quote of Sahana Ullagaddi's answer to Life Lessons: What are important things and advice to know that people generally aren't told about? on Quora Read Quote of Jean Marion's answer to Life: What really matters in life? on Quora

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Happy Day!!!

Good Read

Good Read on What is your life story?

Interesting answer and impressive lines highlighted below

Good Quotes

Read Quote of Yen Ke's answer to Quotations: Has any quote ever changed the way you live? on Quora Read Quote of Anasuya Mandal's answer to Quotations: Has any quote ever changed the way you live? on Quora Read Quote of Swaroop Vajrapu's answer to Quotations: Has any quote ever changed the way you live? on Quora Read Quote of Nikita Upreti's answer to Inspiration: What is the most inspiring sentence you have ever heard or read? on Quora Read Quote of Smrithi Rao's answer to Inspiration: What is the most inspiring sentence you have ever heard or read? on Quora
"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"