Good Read

Read Quote of Visakan Veerasamy's answer to Life Advice: When is "be yourself" not good advice? on Quora

Good Read - Life Lessons

Read Quote of Lisa Lin's answer to Life: What is a thing that was once said by somebody and made you change the way you think? on Quora

Read Quote of Erik Tittel's answer to Life Lessons: What is the most important life lesson that you have learned up to this point? on Quora

Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. // Horace Mann

Great Questions - Inspiring Answers

Read Quote of Jane Chin's answer to Psychology: What 5 rules would help me become successful if I applied them to my life? on Quora Read Quote of Murat Morrison's answer to Psychology: What 5 rules would help me become successful if I applied them to my life? on Quora Read Quote of Leo Polovets's answer to Psychology: What 5 rules would help me become successful if I applied them to my life? on Quora

Good Bruce Lee Quotes

Read Quote of Arman Suleimenov's answer to Wisdom: What are the wisest quotes you've ever heard or read? on Quora Read Quote of Noel Adams's answer to Wisdom: What are the wisest quotes you've ever heard or read? on Quora

Good Note - What makes life more meaningful?

Read Quote of Arturo Deza's answer to Life: What makes life more meaningful? on Quora

Tony Robbins' TED Talk

Very Good Ted Talk. Hope you enjoy it !!

Interesting Notes from Session

Happy Learning!!!

Good TED Talk - Susan Cain: The power of introverts

Good Quotes

Source: via Dotsie on Pinterest

Good Quote - Worthy Life

Read Quote of Anupam Pathak's answer to Life Advice: I am in my late 20s, and feel I have wasted a lot of time. Is it too late? on Quora

Good Reads

How you create your own experience

What is the language of your body, mind and soul?

The Importance of Being Persistent and 5 Tips for sticking to it

Boost your productivity: kill some variables in your life

"Fight for you. Believe in you. Bleed. Cry. Conquer - Dan Waldschmidt"