Good Quotes
#1. Quotes from Quora Question What is the best advice your father ever gave you?
"No matter what you do in life, always keep your character clean. People actually remember the good ones."
"Life gives you what you settle for." - Dad
"Always try to be the best of the lot. Even if you fail, you will always be motivated to do better the next time."
"You're different. Stay different."
"Never betray anyone in your life. You wont be able to live with the guilt inside."
Quote to Future Parents - "Your mother and I have strived as parents to do better than our parents did. We both expect that should you choose to become a parent, you'll strive to do better than we did."
#2. Quotes from Quora Question - What Does It Feel Like to X?: What does it feel like to suddenly lose all your wealth?
"Making money ain't nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner, but you get sick just like the next cat, and when you die you're just as graveyard dead - Louis Armstrong"
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Good Quotes
Good Quotes from link
"Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up"
"Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world"
"Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated"
"You learn more from failure than from success; don't let it stop you. Failure builds character."
"People aren't against you; they are for themselves."
"You can have anything you want; you just have to pay the price."
“The most dangerous risk of all - The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”
"If it hurts, do it more"
"Money is renewable. Time is not." -Hunter Owens
"Your gender has nothing to do with your career unless you do your job with your genitals"
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." ~William Arthur Ward -- Ann K. Fuerst Ph.D.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde"
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"Never look down on anyone, unless you are helping them up"
"Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world"
"Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated"
"You learn more from failure than from success; don't let it stop you. Failure builds character."
"People aren't against you; they are for themselves."
"You can have anything you want; you just have to pay the price."
“The most dangerous risk of all - The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later”
"If it hurts, do it more"
"Money is renewable. Time is not." -Hunter Owens
"Your gender has nothing to do with your career unless you do your job with your genitals"
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." ~William Arthur Ward -- Ann K. Fuerst Ph.D.
"If you're good at something, never do it for free"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde"
Happy Reading!!!
Quora Inspiring Questions
Quora has a good collection of Life Hacking Tips. This post is on two interesting questions and my favourite lines from answers underlined with screen shots. These answers and up votes validate the fundamental beliefs, ethics for a fruitful worthy life.
What is it like to be an adult and not have kids?
To 60+ years experienced people, what is your advice for the youth about life?
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What is it like to be an adult and not have kids?
To 60+ years experienced people, what is your advice for the youth about life?
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Importance of Continuous Learning
Fixed Mind-set Vs Growth Mind-set. A beautiful article on the same The Mindset of a Champion
It’s important to understand and accept the truth at any age / any stage of Life.
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It’s important to understand and accept the truth at any age / any stage of Life.
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